Decision details

Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution Agreement

Decision Maker: St Edmundsbury Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Although the matter of Devolution had previously been published on the Decisions Plan and was due to be considered by Cabinet on 14 June 2016, due to the challenging nature of the timetable and the evolving process, it was not possible for the process to be completed in time for Cabinet to make any decisions on 14 June 2016.


A decision is required to endorse and support the publication of the draft scheme for a Norfolk and Suffolk Mayoral Combined Authority by no later than 4 July 2016. This would then enable public consultation.


That decision has been considered as technically being an ‘Executive’ decision and as such in order to ensure that the Council has taken the proper level of decision it is intended that upon the Council meeting ending on 28 June 2016, the Cabinet will then meet to decide upon this.


The Extraordinary Cabinet meeting has already been arranged and the papers have been published. 


As this is the intention and given the urgency for all councils involved it is intended that the Cabinet decision should be exempted from the Call-in procedure.


As provided for under Part 4 of the Constitution under the Overview and Scrutiny Rules paragraph 14.4 the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has agreed both that the decision proposed is reasonable in all the circumstances and to it being treated as a matter of urgency.


Moreover given the timeframe that is being worked to it has also not been possible to provide for 28 days notice of the decision. Under the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Constitution, paragraph 17.1 relates to a key decision, (which this is) and requires that where the normal procedure cannot be followed the agreement of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the taking of the decision cannot be reasonably deferred is required, and has been given accordingly.






The following recommendations approved by Council on 28 June 2016, in respect of the Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution Agreement contained in Report No: COU/SE/16/010, be endorsed:


1.  That the Authority endorses the signing of the Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution Agreement by the Leader.


2.  That, on the basis of the Governance Review, and having regard to any impact on equalities explored in the Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA), the Authority concludes that the establishment of a Mayoral Combined Authority for Norfolk and Suffolk is the option which most fully permits the effective discharge of the functions that Government is prepared to devolve to this area.


3.  That the Authority endorses and supports the publication of the draft Scheme for a Norfolk and Suffolk Mayoral Combined Authority as attached to this report for consultation purposes, subject to such final revisions as may be approved by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, and prior to the commencement of the formal consultation exercise. Such formal consultation, on the Scheme, to commence once all Norfolk and Suffolk Councils have considered the matters in this report and, in any event, no later than the 4 July 2016. In the event that a Constituent Authority named in the attached Scheme does not agree to endorse the Deal Agreement and/or the Scheme, the Authority authorises, through its Chief Executive the relevant changes to be made to the Deal Agreement, the Scheme and the Governance Review to reflect that Authority’s non-participation.


4.  That the outcome of the consultation exercise is submitted to the Secretary of the State by the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, by early September.


5.  That council meets by no later than 28 October 2016 to consider giving consent to an Order establishing a Mayoral Combined Authority for Norfolk and Suffolk. 


6.  Insofar as any of the matters referred to in Report No: COU/SE/16/010 concern the discharge of functions ancillary to the endorsing and signing of the Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution Agreement and the publication of the Scheme, authority is delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, to take all necessary steps and actions to progress the recommendations detailed in this report. 


7.  Negotiations on the Deal agreement have only recently been concluded and the Review and Scheme have been subject to last minute change.  In the event that additional powers are required by the Combined Authority to deliver the Deal Agreement, authority is delegated to the Chief Executive, in agreement with the other Chief Executives across Norfolk and Suffolk to make the necessary changes to the Scheme.

8.  That further reports are presented to the Authority as appropriate as        the Devolution process develops.

Urgent item?: Yes

Report author: Ian Gallin

Publication date: 30/06/2016

Date of decision: 28/06/2016

Decided at meeting: 28/06/2016 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: