Decision details

Single Issue Review (SIR) of Core Strategy Policy CS7 and Site Specific Allocations (SSA) Local Plan - Consultation Documents

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes





1.   Progress made to the Core Strategy Single Issue Review (CS SIR) and Site Allocations (SSA) Issues and Options Local Plan Documents be endorsed.


2.   The Core Strategy Single Issue Review (SIR) (Working Paper 1) and the Site Specific Allocations (SSA) Issues and Options (Working Paper 2) Local Plan Documents, Tables of Proposed Material Amendments (Working Papers 3 and 4) and accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)/Sustainability Appraisal (SA), together with supporting documents, be approved for public consultation.


3.   The Head of Planning and Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, be authorised to make any minor typographical, factual, spelling and grammatical changes to these documents, provided that it does not materially affect the substance or meaning.


Report author: Marie Smith

Publication date: 16/07/2015

Date of decision: 14/07/2015

Decided at meeting: 14/07/2015 - Forest Heath Cabinet

Effective from: 23/07/2015

Accompanying Documents: