Issue - meetings

Consideration of Joint SEBC/FHDC Overview and Scrutiny Committees Findings on Devolution

Meeting: 21/11/2016 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 271)

271 Findings of the Extraordinary Informal Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 4 October 2016 - What Will Devolution Mean for West Suffolk? pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/16/056

Chairman of SEBC Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Diane Hind

Portfolio Holder: John Griffiths       

Lead Officer: Ian Gallin


Additional documents:




That the concerns of the St Edmundsbury and Forest Heath Overview and Scrutiny Committees regarding the veto vote of the directly elected Mayor for the then proposed Mayoral Combined Authority for Norfolk and Suffolk, as outlined in paragraph 1.2 of Report No: CAB/SE/16/056, be formally acknowledged and noted, and this will be taken into account in any negotiations regarding the setting up of a Mayoral authority for Devolution during negotiations at a later stage.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/16/056, which sought formal noting from Cabinet of an amended recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, following its consideration of ‘What will Devolution mean for West Suffolk?’


Councillor Diane Hine, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee drew relevant issues to the attention of Cabinet, including that the Committee had jointly examined the topic of Devolution with Forest Heath District Council’s Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committee and was now presenting its findings to Cabinet.  Councillor Hind explained the areas that had been scrutinised by the Committees, as summarised in the report.


As reported at the Council meeting immediately prior to Cabinet, the situation with regard to the Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution agreement had significantly changed since publication of the agendas. 


The Cabinet acknowledged the examination of the issue of Devolution by the O&S Committees and noted its findings as set out in Section 3 of Report No: OAS/SE/16/026, including its concern regarding the potential for a veto vote of the directly elected Mayor for the then Norfolk and Suffolk Combined Authority, as outlined in paragraph 1.2 of Report No: CAB/SE/16/056.


The Cabinet thanked the Committees for their work and formally noted the recommendation, as amended, and agreed it should be taken into account in any future negotiations regarding the setting up of a Mayoral authority for Devolution.




That the concerns of the St Edmundsbury and Forest Heath Overview and Scrutiny Committees regarding the veto vote of the directly elected Mayor for the then proposed Mayoral Combined Authority for Norfolk and Suffolk, as outlined in paragraph 1.2 of Report No: CAB/SE/16/056, be formally acknowledged and noted, and this will be taken into account in any negotiations regarding the setting up of a Mayoral authority for Devolution during negotiations at a later stage.