Issue - meetings

Location Filming in Suffolk

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 276)

276 Location Filming in Suffolk pdf icon PDF 591 KB

Report No:   CAB/FH/16/063

Portfolio Holder: Lance Stanbury              Lead Officer: Andrea Mayley





That delegatedauthority be grantedto FilmFixerLtd (tradingas ScreenSuffolk)to issuepermissionsfor filminginWestSuffolkandto collectfilmfeesforactivity on Councillandandpremiseson behalfofForest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council, as detailed in Report No: CAB/FH/16/063.



(Report No: CAB/FH/16/063)


Councillor Lance Stanbury, Portfolio for Planning and Growth, presented this report which sought approval for delegated authority to be granted to Film Fixer Limited (trading as Screen Suffolk) to issue permissions for filming in West Suffolk and to collect film fees for activity on Council land and premises on behalf of Forest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council.


This matter had also been considered by St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s Cabinet on 8 December 2016, where delegated authority had been granted to Film Fixer Limited.  The Cabinet had also requested to  receive feedback on the impact and success of the scheme in West Suffolk, possibly in the form of an annual performance monitoring report.


The report explained that there was currently no set process for the handling of film enquiries in West Suffolk.  Any enquiries were typically received by Corporate Communications, which were then directed to the relevant service responsible for locations that had historically been used for filming purposes, such as West Stow, Abbey Gardens and Nowton Park.


The Suffolk Public Sector Leaders’ Group had previously agreed to a county-wide proposal to establish a ‘Suffolk Film Office’ using allocations of funding from Suffolk pooled business rates.  Each district, borough and county councils across Suffolk were now being presented with the proposal to grant delegated authority to Film Fixer Ltd (trading as Screen Suffolk) to streamline and provide a common process for granting permissions for filming in the county on council-owned land and premises.


With the vote being unanimous, it was




That delegatedauthority be grantedto FilmFixerLtd (tradingas ScreenSuffolk)to issuepermissionsfor filminginWestSuffolkandto collectfilmfeesforactivity on Councillandandpremiseson behalfofForest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council, as detailed in Report No: CAB/FH/16/063.