Issue - meetings

Exempt: Unauthorised Development - Compensation Claim

Meeting: 08/12/2016 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 290)

Exempt: Unauthorised Development - Compensation Claim (paras 5 and 7)

Exempt Report No:          CAB/SE/16/070

Portfolio Holder: Alaric Pugh           Lead Officer: Steven Wood





The decision is contained in the exempt version of this Decisions Notice.


The Cabinet considered Exempt Report No: CAB/SE/16/070, which sought approval for a claim of compensation to be settled in respect of a matter directly relevant to planning enforcement and to prevent escalation to the Local Government Ombudsman.


Councillor Alaric Pugh, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of Cabinet. 


The Cabinet supported the recommendations as proposed in the exempt report.




The decision is contained in the exempt version of these minutes.