Issue - meetings

West Suffolk Local Code of Corporate Governance

Meeting: 17/10/2017 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 384)

384 Recommendations of the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee: 20 September 2017 - West Suffolk Local Code of Corporate Governance pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/17/051

Portfolio Holder: Ian HoulderLead Officer: Rachael Mann



RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: (19 December 2017)


That, the West Suffolk Local Code of Corporate Governance, attached as Appendix A to Report No: PAS/SE/17/021, be approved.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/17/051, which sought approval for the West Suffolk Local Code of Corporate Governance.


In 2016, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) / Solace updated their guidance, which strongly advocated the production of local Codes of Corporate Governance by local authorities so that they could review and account for their own individual arrangements to effectively discharge their functions and demonstrate their own compliance with good practice. 


In light of this, St Edmundsbury Borough and Forest Heath District Councils (the West Suffolk councils) had taken the opportunity to review their Code which was last produced jointly in 2013. 


Councillor Ian Houlder, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance, drew relevant issues to the attention of Cabinet.




That the West Suffolk Local Code of Corporate Governance, attached as Appendix A to Report No: PAS/SE/17/021, be approved.