Issue - meetings

Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Council Tax Technical Changes 2018/2019

Meeting: 12/12/2017 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 389)

389 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2018/2019 pdf icon PDF 264 KB

Report No: CAB/FH/17/062

Portfolio Holder: Stephen Edwards            Lead Officer: Rachael Mann


Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: (20 December 2017)


That taking into consideration the consultation and engagement feedback detailed in Section 7 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062, the following changes to the current Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme be agreed to take effect from 1 April 2018:


(a)         Update the “applicable amounts” to 2015 prices as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062;


(b)         Incorporating changes that have occurred as a result of the Government’s welfare reforms, as detailed in paragraph 5.2 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062, regarding family premiums; dependence allowances where there are two or more children; and eligibility of foreign nationals; and


(c)     Modernise the scheme, as detailed in paragraph 5.3 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062, so that claimants in receipt of Universal Credit don’t need to make a separate application to qualify for Council Tax Discount.



(Report No: CAB/FH/17/062)


Councillor Stephen Edwards, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance, presented this report which sought approval for the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme, following its annual review.


Since 1 April 2013, Forest Heath District Council had operated a Localised Council Tax Reduction Scheme (LCTRS) to replace the previous, centrally administered Council Tax Benefit.  The scheme was aimed at:


·         Making provision to protect vulnerable people.

·         Supporting work incentives for claimants created by the Government’s wider welfare reform.


Councillor Edwards, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that each year the Council was required to review its LCTRS.  As a result of the review, as detailed in the report and following the consideration and rejection of other options for the 2018/2019 LCTRS, amendments had been proposed, as detailed in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.3 inclusive, as outlined.


As amendments to the LCTRS for 2018/2019 had been proposed, the Council was required to consult/engage with preceptors and stakeholders in order to inform final scheme design by 28 February of the preceding year.  Details of the engagement exercise undertaken was outlined in Section 7 of the report.  Overall, the results of the consultation had shown a lack of concern for the changes being proposed.


It was proposed, duly seconded and with the vote being unanimous, it was


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: (20 December 2017)


That taking into consideration the consultation and engagement feedback detailed in Section 7 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062, the following changes to the current Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme be agreed to take effect from 1 April 2018:


(a)         Update the “applicable amounts” to 2015 prices as detailed in paragraph 5.1 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062;


(b)         Incorporating changes that have occurred as a result of the Government’s welfare reforms, as detailed in paragraph 5.2 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062, regarding family premiums; dependence allowances where there are two or more children; and eligibility of foreign nationals; and


(c)     Modernise the scheme, as detailed in paragraph 5.3 of Report No: CAB/FH/17/062, so that claimants in receipt of Universal Credit don’t need to make a separate application to qualify for Council Tax Discount.