Issue - meetings

Mildenhall Hub

Meeting: 09/01/2018 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 403)

403 Mildenhall Hub pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Report No: CAB/FH/18/004

Portfolio Holder: James Waters                Lead Officer: Alex Wilson




That the progress in delivering the Mildenhall Hub project and the new projected timetable, as outlined in Report No: CAB/FH/18/004, be noted.


(Report No: CAB/FH/18/004)


The Cabinet received this report which provided an update on progress with the Mildenhall Hub project from the Council’s perspective, as the project moved into its delivery stage, since receiving planning consent in November 2017.  Based on the current timetable (as outlined in paragraph 1.5 of the report), the project was due for completion in early 2020.


In terms of funding and costs, even though there had been changes to the project over the last year, there was not a need, at this time, to amend the Council’s agreed financial business case from February 2017.  The projected net position was a small revenue surplus (essentially a break-even position) from a total capital budget of £22m.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous, it was




That the progress in delivering the Mildenhall Hub project and the new projected timetable, as outlined in Report No: CAB/FH/18/004, be noted.