Issue - meetings

Recommendation of the West Suffolk Joint Growth Steering Group: Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan

Meeting: 17/10/2017 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 386)

386 Recommendation of the West Suffolk Joint Growth Steering Group: 9 October 2017: Response to Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan: Pre-submission Version 2017-2031 pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/17/053 TO FOLLOW

Portfolio Holder: Alaric Pugh           Lead Officer: Julie Baird


Additional documents:





(1)     The comments contained within Report No: JGG/JT/17/004 be endorsed to form the basis of a formal response to the Pre-submission Version of the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2031, subject to the inclusion of the further comments/typographical errors, as set out in paragraphs 1.8 and 1.9 of Report No: CAB/SE/17/053; and     


(2)     it be agreed that the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan accords with the strategic policies of the St Edmundsbury Borough Council Local Plan, in addition to meeting the requirements of the Service Level Agreement between Hargrave Parish Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/17/053, which sought endorsement of comments to form the basis of a formal response to the Pre-submission version of the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2031.


St Edmundsbury Borough Council had a duty to support Hargrave Parish Council in the development of their Neighbourhood Plan and were required to consider whether the Plan met the requirements of the Localism Act, which was at this Pre-submission (Regulation 14) stage.


Officers had previously reviewed the draft Plan, and had generally found it broadly accorded with the strategic policies within the Local Plan and the requirements of the Localism Act, and also addressed the standards set out within the Service Level Agreement between St Edmundsbury Borough Council and Hargrave Parish Council.


Councillor Alaric Pugh, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that the comments contained in Report Nos: JGG/JT/17/004  had been agreed by the West Suffolk Joint Growth Steering Group (WSJGSG), subject to the inclusion of additional comments/typographical errors set out in paragraphs 1.8 and 1.9 of Report No: CAB/SE/17/053  and should form the basis of the Council’s consultation response on the Pre-submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan, which was required by the Parish Council by 31 October 2017.


Councillor Pugh added that this was the first (draft) Neighbourhood Plan submitted to the Borough Council under the new regime, and the WSJGSG had been delighted with the overall quality of the Plan and compliance with the Borough Council’s strategic policies.  Following consultation, a final version would be submitted to the Borough Council for approval in due course.


The Cabinet commended the work of the Parish Council on the production of the Plan and its service to its local community in recognising the aspirations of the parish and its role in the Local Plan process.  It was hoped this would inspire other rural parishes to acknowledge the benefits of producing their own Neighbourhood Plans.






(1)     The comments contained within Report No: JGG/JT/17/004 be endorsed to form the basis of a formal response to the Pre-submission Version of the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2031, subject to the inclusion of the further comments/typographical errors, as set out in paragraphs 1.8 and 1.9 of Report No: CAB/SE/17/053; and     


(2)     it be agreed that the Hargrave Neighbourhood Plan accords with the strategic policies of the St Edmundsbury Borough Council Local Plan, in addition to meeting the requirements of the Service Level Agreement between Hargrave Parish Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council.