Issue - meetings

Delivering a Sustainable Budget 2018/2019

Meeting: 06/02/2018 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 436)

436 Recommendations of the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee: 31 January 2018 - Delivering a Sustainable Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018-2021 pdf icon PDF 252 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/18/010

Portfolio Holder: Ian HoulderLead Officer: Rachael Mann






(1)     the budget assumptions (outlined in Appendix A to Report No: PAS/SE/18/005) and timetable (at paragraph 7.1), along with the progress made to date on delivering a balanced budget for 2018/2019 and sustainable budget in the medium term, be noted; and


(2)     the proposals, as detailed in Section 6 and Table 2 at paragraph 6.1 of Report No: PAS/SE/18/005, be included in securing a balanced budget for 2018/2019.



The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/18/010 , which presented an updated position regarding budget proposals, which subject to approval, were intended to be included for securing a balanced budget for 2018/2019.


On 5 December 2017, the Cabinet considered the recommendations of the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee regarding proposals for securing a balanced budget for 2018/2019 and up to 2020/2021 (see Cabinet minute no. 409).


The position had now been updated to include proposals over and above those previously approved by Cabinet, and Councillor Ian Houlder, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance drew attention to those, as set out in Table 2 of paragraph 1.1.7.


The Finance Team were commended for their work in progressing the securing of a balanced budget for 2018/2019, particularly given the financial challenges facing the Council, as summarised in paragraph 1.1.1. Councillor Sarah Broughton, Chairman of the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee was also thanked for her Committee’s scrutiny of the budget proposals and the Cabinet supported its recommendations.


Councillor Houlder, and the Assistant Director (Resources and Performance) duly responded to questions raised.





(1)     the budget assumptions (outlined in Appendix A to Report No: PAS/SE/18/005) and timetable (at paragraph 7.1), along with the progress made to date on delivering a balanced budget for 2018/2019 and sustainable budget in the medium term, be noted; and


(2)     the proposals, as detailed in Section 6 and Table 2 at paragraph 6.1 of Report No: PAS/SE/18/005, be included in securing a balanced budget for 2018/2019.