Issue - meetings

West Suffolk Annual Report 2017/2018

Meeting: 25/06/2018 - Joint Executive (Cabinet) Committee (Item 9)

9 West Suffolk Annual Report 2017/2018 (Report No: CAB/JT/18/006) pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Report No:   CAB/JT/18/006

Portfolio Holders: SEBC Cllr John Griffiths and FHDC Cllr James Waters

Lead Officer: Davina Howes


Additional documents:




That the West Suffolk Annual Report 2017/2018, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/JT/18/006, be approved.


The Joint Committee considered the above report, which sought approval for the West Suffolk Annual Report 2017/2018.


The Annual Report highlighted the key activities and developments that had been achieved over the financial year 2017/2018, with regard to the priorities set out in the West Suffolk Strategic Plan 2014/2016.


Councillor John Griffiths, Leader of St Edmundsbury Borough Council (SEBC), drew relevant issues to the attention of the Joint Committee, including thatover the past year, the West Suffolk councils had continued to deliver excellent public services to its residents and businesses. SEBC and Forest Heath District Council (FHDC) had worked even more closely together as councils as they strived to continue to support their communities and manage growth for the benefit of their residents.  With the backing of the public, businesses and partners, the Councils were now moving forwards in their journey towards creating anew single council for West Suffolk, which would provide a louder voice and better ability to drive prosperity, jobs and the economy.


On 6 and 7 June 2018, the Annual Reportwas presented to the respective FHDC and SEBC Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Report raised some interesting topics for discussion and debate, which resulted in some helpful amendments being made to improve the document, as set out in the Joint Committee report.


Thanks were conveyed to the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees, and all councillors and staff alike, for their contributions to the Annual Report.


The Joint Committee commended the Annual Report, which Members felt had excellently summarised the ‘West Suffolk journey’ and the achievements FHDC and SEBC had made together, which was now culminating in the transition towards creating a new single council for West Suffolk that would mark a ‘new beginning’.   A discussion was held on ensuring the message was communicated widely to residents, businesses and visitors to West Suffolk, which should include making paper copies of the Annual Report 2017/2018 available to those that did not have access to online services.




That the West Suffolk Annual Report 2017/2018, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/JT/18/006, be approved.


(Councillor Sarah Broughton left the meeting during the consideration of this item.)