Issue - meetings

Election of Chair

Meeting: 15/05/2024 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 76)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous




That Councillor Don Waldron be elected Chair for this Sub-Committee meeting.

Meeting: 09/05/2024 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 1.)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.

Meeting: 22/11/2023 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 54)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous




That Councillor Ian Houlder be elected Chair for this Sub-Committee meeting.

Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 49)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous




That Councillor Carol Bull be elected Chair for this sub-committee meeting.

Meeting: 11/04/2023 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 38)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous




That Councillor Rachel Hood be elected Chair for this sub-committee meeting.

Meeting: 03/10/2022 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 11)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous




That Councillor Pat Hanlon be elected Chair for this sub-committee meeting.

Meeting: 01/09/2022 - Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Item 6)

Election of Chair

To seek nominations for the election of Chair for this sub-committee meeting.


It was proposed, seconded and with the vote being unanimous




That Councillor Carol Bull be elected Chair for this sub-committee meeting.