Issue - meetings

Public Space Protection Orders and Dog Exclusion Zones

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 504)

504 Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) Review of Existing Orders pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Report number: CAB/WS/23/042

Portfolio holders: Councillors Donna Higgins and Ian Shipp

Lead officers: Davina Howes and Mark Walsh


Additional documents:





1.           The continuation with the existing PSPOs, as detailed in Appendices A and B to Report number: CAB/WS/23/042, be agreed.


2.           Subject to the agreement of the owners, that the following three locations be added as facilities where dogs are to be excluded:


i.             Fornham St Martin play area.

ii.            Brandon Remembrance Playing Field – skate park area.

iii.           Brandon Remembrance Playing Field – main football pitch.




(Report number CAB/WS/23/042)


The Cabinet considered this report which explained that Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) had been introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2012 as a tool to tackle anti-social and nuisance behaviour which had a detrimental effect on communities. PSPOs replaced the Designated Public Protection Orders (DPPOs) that previously existed.  They enabled the Council to prohibit certain behaviours in a defined geographical area and failure to comply with the requirements of an approved PSPO could result in a criminal offence being committed which was punishable with either a fixed penalty notice or a fine.


PSPOs expired after three years of implementation and the Council had a duty to conduct a review of all PSPOs within the three-year time frame and determine whether to amend, renew or discharge the orders.


A copy of all the current PSPOs within West Suffolk could be found at Appendix A and maps identifying the geographical areas could be found at Appendix B to Report number CAB/WS/23/042.  Given the proposal not to change any of the anti-social behaviour related PSPOs terms and conditions or geographical coverage, these would remain in place for a further three years (subject to any intervening review) until 2026. In terms of the dog fouling PSPOs, these changes were set out in paragraph 3.4.2. of Report number CAB/WS/23/042.


It was also reported that there was a typographical error within Appendix B (Schedule One: Dog Exclusion Areas).  Map No 22 (Gazeley Playing Fields Play Area) should actually be listed in the Ward of ‘Kentford and Moulton’ and not ‘Iceni’.


Councillor Donna Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities, also drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet.





1.           The continuation with the existing PSPOs, as detailed in Appendices A and B to Report number: CAB/WS/23/042, be agreed.


2.           Subject to the agreement of the owners, that the following three locations be added as facilities where dogs are to be excluded:


i.             Fornham St Martin play area.

ii.            Brandon Remembrance Playing Field – skate park area.

iii.           Brandon Remembrance Playing Field – main football pitch.