Issue - meetings

Investing in Renewable Energy Generation - Phase 2 Business Cases

Meeting: 09/12/2014 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Developing a Community Energy Plan pdf icon PDF 743 KB

Report No: CAB/FH/14/010

Cabinet Member: Stephen Edwards           Lead Officer: Peter Gudde




1.  The development of a West Suffolk Community Energy Plan, be supported.


2.  Appraisal of other energy-related options set out in the report with a view to receiving further investment proposals, be supported.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL (10 December 2014):


3.  The following be allocated:

(a)   £15,000 to continue the West Suffolk Greener Business Grant in support of energy efficiency improvements, as outlined in paragraphs 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 of Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


(b)   £500,000 to improve business resource efficiency and install the next phase of solar schemes on Council property (Option 1), as outlined in Appendix A to Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


(c)   As part of the 2015/2016 budget setting process, £1.62 million over three years to develop rent-a-roof solar schemes in partnership with local businesses (Option 3), as outlined in Appendix A to Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


(d)   As part of the 2015/2016 budget setting process, £50,000 to cover the identification, detailed feasibility and associated community engagement activities in support of potential sites for larger scale solar and renewable energy generation technologies (Options 5 and 8) where supported and/or led by communities in the District, as outlined in paragraph 1.3.5 to Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Governance and Performance presented this report which set out investment proposals to develop a Community Energy Plan based on an appraisal of options for renewable energy generation.


This report summarised the business case and made recommendations regarding the viable options, which would establish a long term energy investment plan, generating stable revenue and energy cost savings for the Council, alongside its existing support for improved community energy efficiency.  This would form the West Suffolk Councils’ Community Energy Plan.


With the vote being unanimous, it was






1.       The development of a West Suffolk Community Energy Plan, be supported.


2.       Appraisal of other energy-related options set out in the report with a view to receiving further investment proposals, be supported.






3.       The following be allocated:


(a)     £15,000 to continue the West Suffolk Greener Business Grant in support of energy efficiency improvements, as outlined in paragraphs 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 of Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


(b)     £500,000 to improve business resource efficiency and install the next phase of solar schemes on Council property (Option 1), as outlined in Appendix A to Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


(c)     As part of the 2015/2016 budget setting process, £1.62 million over three years to develop rent-a-roof solar schemes in partnership with local businesses (Option 3), as outlined in Appendix A to Report No CAB/FH/14/010.


(d)     As part of the 2015/2016 budget setting process, £50,000 to cover the identification, detailed feasibility and associated community engagement activities in support of potential sites for larger scale solar and renewable energy generation technologies (Options 5 and 8) where supported and/or led by communities in the District, as outlined in paragraph 1.3.5 to Report No CAB/FH/14/010.