Issue - meetings

West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 17)

Recommendation from the West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel: 29 October 2014

Amendments to Terms of Reference


Cabinet Member: Sara Mildmay-White       Lead Officer: Alan Points


Summary and reasons for recommendation


On 29 October 2014, the West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel considered a substantive item relating to proposed amendments to its Terms of Reference to reflect the change in officer responsibility for Emergency Planning; to empower the Vice-Chairman to act in the Chairman’s absence and to clarify that the emergency planning arrangements apply across the area of both authorities.


It is proposed that the existing paragraph 2.7 of the Terms of Reference, which reads as follows:


‘At the discretion of the Chairman, in the event that either:


(a)     an emergency event arises which affects the area of either authority, or


(b)     the risk of an emergency that affects the area of either authority is assessed as significant by Suffolk County Council’s Head of Emergency Planning,


an extraordinary meeting of the Panel may be called.’


be amended to:


‘At the discretion of the Chairman, or if absent the Vice-Chairman, in the event that either:


(a)     an emergency event arises which affects the area of either authority, or both authorities, or


(b)     the risk of an emergency that affects the area of either authority, or both authorities, is assessed as significant by the District Emergency Planning Officer,


an extraordinary meeting of the Panel may be called.’




It is RECOMMENDED that paragraph 2.7 of the Terms of Reference for the West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel be amended in accordance with the above.






That paragraph 2.7 of the Terms of Reference for the West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel be amended to:


At the discretion of the Chairman, or if absent the Vice-Chairman, in the event that either:


(a)     an emergency event arises which affects the area of either authority, or both authorities, or


(b)     the risk of an emergency that affects the area of either authority, or both authorities, is assessed as significant by the District Emergency Planning Officer,


an extraordinary meeting of the Panel may be called.





The Cabinet considered a narrative item, which contained a recommendation from the West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel emanating from its meeting on 29 October 2014.


Councillor Mrs Mildmay-White, Portfolio Holder with the responsibility for emergency planning informed the Cabinet that the Joint Panel wished to make minor amendments to its terms of reference to bring them up to date, as detailed in the narrative item.





That paragraph 2.7 of the Terms of Reference for the West Suffolk Joint Emergency Planning Panel be amended to:


At the discretion of the Chairman, or if absent the Vice-Chairman, in the event that either:


(a)     an emergency event arises which affects the area of either authority, or both authorities, or


(b)     the risk of an emergency that affects the area of either authority, or both authorities, is assessed as significant by the District Emergency Planning Officer,


an extraordinary meeting of the Panel may be called.