Issue - meetings

Mildenhall Hub Project

Meeting: 09/12/2014 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 17)

17 Mildenhall Hub Project pdf icon PDF 317 KB

Report No:   CAB/FH/14/012

Cabinet Member: James Waters               Lead Officer: Alex Wilson




1.  The completion of the business case for the Mildenhall Hub Project and its provisional findings, be noted.


2.  Subject to the comments made by Councillor Robin Millar at the meeting with regard to community ownership, involvement and engagement, the next steps for the Project, as outlined in paragraph 1.6 of Report No CAB/FH/14/012, be noted.


3.  The Leader of the Council be appointed to represent the Council on the Partner Board to manage the Project, as outlined in paragraph 1.6 of Report No CAB/FH/14/012.


The Director presented this report which updated the Cabinet on progress with the Mildenhall Hub project and outlined the next steps.


Whilst discussing this report, Councillor R J Millar raised questions as to how the community would be consulted/involved in the project, as the concept was for the Hub to be a community facility.  The Director confirmed that the business case did extensively cover the issue of community ownership, but would also ensure that this was considered as part of the required due diligence work.


With the vote being unanimous, it was






1.       The completion of the business case for the Mildenhall Hub Project and its provisional findings, be noted.


2.       Subject to the comments made by Councillor Robin Millar at the meeting with regard to community ownership, involvement and engagement, the next steps for the Project, as outlined in paragraph 1.6 of Report No CAB/FH/14/012, be noted.


3.       The Leader of the Council be appointed to represent the Council on the Partner Board to manage the Project, as outlined in paragraph 1.6 of Report No CAB/FH/14/012.