Issue - meetings

West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide

Meeting: 10/02/2015 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 37)

37 Recommendations from the Sustainable Development Working Party: 28 January 2015 pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/15/013

Cabinet Member: Terry Clements    Lead Officer: Marie Smith


(a)      Joint Development Management Policies Document (for information only – recommendations being considered by the Joint Development Management Policies Committee on 11 February 2015)

(b)      Erskine Lodge, Great Whelnetham Development Brief

(c)       West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide



(a)    Erskine Lodge, Gt Whelnetham Development Brief



That the Development Brief for Erskine Lodge, Great Whelnetham in its current form, as contained in Appendix A to Report SDW/SE/15/002, be NOT adopted; and


(b)    West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide




(1)     the West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide with suggested amendments, as contained in Appendix A to Report SDW/SE/15/003 be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document subject to it being noted in the Glossary on page 28 in respect of the second item ‘Building of Local Interest’, reference to ‘Birmingham’ be deleted and ‘the areas’ inserted therefor; and


(2)     the Head of Planning and Growth be given delegated authority to edit/insert appropriate images as part of the final document publishing process.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/15/013 (previously circulated) which sought approval for recommendations emanating from the meeting of the Sustainable Development Working Party held on 28 January 2015.


On 28 January 2015, the Sustainable Development Working Party considered the following substantive items of business:


(1)     Joint Development Management Policies Document – Planning Inspector’s Report and Adoption;

(2)     Erskine Lodge, Great Whelnetham Development Brief; and

(3)     West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide Consultation Responses and Adoption.


Councillor Clements, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulation, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that the recommendations emanating from the consideration of the Joint Development Management Policies Document referred to in Item (1) above would be considered by the Joint Development Management Policies Committee and its recommendations would subsequently be considered directly by full Council on 24 February 2015.


On consideration of the Erskine Lodge, Great Whelnetham Development Brief, the Working Party had expressed a number of concerns with its current form, including:


(a)     that the Core Strategy ‘Local Service Centre’ allocation for Great Whelnetham envisaged small developments of around ten dwellings per site.  This was considered to be one such site and the capacity of 63 dwellings proposed was too many given the constraints;


(b)     such constraints identified were: part of the site was in a conservation area; potential flooding from surface water run-off; the proximity of the adjacent sewage treatment works; the topography of the site and its associated difficulties; the close relationship to existing dwellings; and the potential impact on the sensitive rural landscape and a nearby protected rookery.


Given the above concerns, as detailed further in the report and minutes of the Working Party meeting, the recommendation not to support adoption of the Development Brief in its current form was supported.


Once adopted, the West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide would be a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and would provide detailed guidance on the design of new and replacement shop fronts throughout West Suffolk. The guidance covered matters such as general design principles; materials and colour; signage and lighting; blinds and canopies; and security measures for retail and other commercial properties. The document had been subject to public consultation and the comments were summarised in the report considered by the Working Party (SDW/SE/15/003 refers).  The Cabinet commended its thoroughness and content.



(a)    Erskine Lodge, Gt Whelnetham Development Brief




That the Development Brief for Erskine Lodge, Great Whelnetham in its current form, as contained in Appendix A to Report SDW/SE/15/002, be NOT adopted; and


(b)    West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide






(1)    the West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide with suggested amendments, as contained in Appendix A to Report SDW/SE/15/003 be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document subject to it being noted in the Glossary on page 28 in respect of the second item ‘Building of Local Interest’, reference to ‘Birmingham’ be deleted and ‘the areas’ inserted therefor; and


(2)    the Head of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37