Issue - meetings

Public Service Village, Bury St Edmunds: Phase II

Meeting: 02/12/2014 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Public Service Village Phase II, Olding Road, Bury St Edmunds pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/14/010

Cabinet Members: Terry Clements  Lead Officer: Steven Wood



Additional documents:





(1)     the Masterplan for the Public Service Village, Bury St Edmunds (2006), be reviewed; and


(2)     £100,000 be allocated from earmarked reserves (invest to save) to support the appointment of project management, legal,masterplanning and property expertise, as detailed in Section 1.4 of Report CAB/SE/14/010.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/14/010 (previously circulated) which sought approval for the existing Public Service Village (PSV) Masterplan to be reviewed and for the allocation of funding to enable Phase II of the PSV to progress.


Councillor Clements, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulation, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that the Public Service Village concept was approved and adopted by the Council in 2006. Phase I had been successfully completed by the construction and occupation of West Suffolk House. The improving economic climate and the possible relocation of the Council’s depot together with a change of ownership of the DHL logistics building, presented an opportunity for the Council to progress Phase II of the project.


To do this the Council would need to review the adopted Masterplan to bring it up to date with the changes since 2006 and to put in place resources to help deliver this ambitious plan. £100,000 had therefore been requested to be allocated towards the appointment of specialist resources to help formulate the project and ensure that the Council obtains ‘Best Consideration’.


An amendment to the second recommendation was reported in respect of inserting the word ‘masterplanning’ after the word ‘legal’ to make it clear that some of the funding would be used for this purpose.


Councillor Griffiths, Chairman and Leader of the Council, explained that this was an exciting investment proposal, which had implications for the majority of portfolios, not just planning.  He, supported by other Cabinet Members, looked forward to the development of the scheme and the future savings to be made through effective and efficient partnership working between public service providers.


Councillor Mrs Mildmay-White wished it to be recorded that Appendix A showed an illustration of the original 2006 Masterplan, and therefore did not show the recently refurbished skate park, but a building in its place.  The Council was not looking to relocate the new skate park and the site would be indicated on the revised Masterplan.







(1)    the Masterplan for the Public Service Village, Bury St Edmunds (2006), be reviewed; and


(2)    £100,000 be allocated from earmarked reserves (invest to save) to support the appointment of project management, legal,masterplanning and property expertise, as detailed in Section 1.4 of Report CAB/SE/14/010.