Issue - meetings

Pension Discretions

Meeting: 10/02/2015 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 34)

34 West Suffolk Pension Discretions Policy pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/15/010 TO FOLLOW

Cabinet Member: David Ray           Lead Officer: Karen Points


Additional documents:



That the Pension Discretions Policy, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/SE/15/010, be approved.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/15/010 (previously circulated) which sought approval for the Pension Discretions Policy.


Councillor Ray, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance informed the Cabinet that The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) changed to a career average (‘CARE’ – career average revalued earnings) scheme in April 2014. The new pension regulations gave employers a number of discretionary options. The Council was required to agree and publish its decisions in relation to these discretions in a written Statement of Policy.


Appendix A attached to the report contained thePolicy, with a summary of the recommended discretions contained in Appendix B.





That the Pension Discretions Policy, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/SE/15/010, be approved.