Issue - meetings

Development Proposals for West Stow Country Park: Update

Meeting: 24/03/2015 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 58)

58 Leisure Development Proposals for West Stow Country Park: Update pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/15/024 TO FOLLOW

Cabinet Member: Sarah Stamp       Lead Officer: Richard Hartley


Additional documents:


That, the proposed lots, as set out in Section 2.2 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/024, be approved with the outcome of the ‘Application to Bid’ process being reported back to Cabinet and full Council in June-July 2015.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/15/024 (previously circulated) which sought approval for proposed ‘lots’ to enable the Application to Bid process to commence the progression of further leisure development at West Stow Country Park.


Councillor Mrs Stamp, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that the proposed ‘lots’ were provided in Table 1 of paragraph 2.2.1.  Following approval of the lots, potential bidders would be able to submit responses for some or all of the lots for further leisure development.  The evaluation process would then determine the best solution for the Council, based on a combination of cost and quality.  The preferred solution would need to be presented to Council for approval before entering into any leases.


The proposed timetable for delivering the project was set out in paragraph 2.3.1.




That, the proposed lots, as set out in Section 2.2 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/024, be approved with the outcome of the ‘Application to Bid’ process being reported back to Cabinet and full Council in June-July 2015.