Issue - meetings

Transfer of Land for New High School at Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds

Meeting: 24/03/2015 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 56)

56 Transfer of Land to Suffolk County Council for New High School at Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds pdf icon PDF 717 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/15/022 TO FOLLOW

Cabinet Member: Peter Stevens      Lead Officer: Richard Combes






(1)     11.38 acres of land be transferred to Suffolk County Council for the construction of a new upper school at Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, as detailed in Section 1 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/022, for the sum of £193,460 subject to a 125 year lease back of the land forming part of the shared community sports provision and an accompanying dual use agreement, whilst ensuring the commercial advantage of the Council’s ransom strip is maintained;


(2)     a capital contribution of £1,366,460 be made to Suffolk County Council towards a shared community sports provision within the site made up of the balance of:


(a)         £813,000 capital allocation for Bury Town FC relocation;


(b)     £360,000 anticipated future s106 contributions for sporting facilities at Moreton Hall;


(b)         the capital receipt of £193,460 detailed in (1) above; and


(3)     delegated authority be given to the Head of Operations, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Waste and Property, and Leisure, Culture and Heritage, Chief Executive, s151 Officer and Monitoring Officer, to agree the terms of all legal agreements necessary to give effect to the above.



(Councillor Clements declared a local non-pecuniary interest as a Suffolk County Councillor and the item under consideration was located in his County Council Division.  Councillor Mrs Stamp declared a local non-pecuniary interest as a Suffolk County Councillor.  Both Members remained in the meeting for the consideration of this item.)


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/15/022 (previously circulated) which sought approval for issues connected with the construction of a new high school at Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds.


Councillor Stevens, Portfolio Holder for Waste and Property drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that the following matters were under consideration for recommending to Council for approval:


(1)     the transfer of 11.38 acres of land to Suffolk County Council for the construction of a new upper school at Moreton Hall, which would serve all of Bury St Edmunds, for the sum of £193,460;


(2)     for a capital contribution of £1,366,460 (comprised of the figures detailed in the recommendation below) to be made towards shared sports facilities within the site to be leased back to the Council and operated by Abbeycroft Leisure under a sub-lease with an operator’s agreement; and


(3)     the approach to maintain the commercial advantage of the Council’s ‘ransom strip’ following the transfer of the 11.38 acres of land.


Councillor Mrs Stamp, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Heritage made additional comments regarding the benefits of the shared community sports provision for the whole of Bury St Edmunds.


The Cabinet was supportive of the recommendations and commended the successful partnership working between all partners involved and enabling this entire project to progress.







(1)    11.38 acres of land be transferred to Suffolk County Council for the construction of a new upper school at Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, as detailed in Section 1 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/022, for the sum of £193,460 subject to a 125 year lease back of the land forming part of the shared community sports provision and an accompanying dual use agreement, whilst ensuring the commercial advantage of the Council’s ransom strip is maintained;


(2)    a capital contribution of £1,366,460 be made to Suffolk County Council towards a shared community sports provision within the site made up of the balance of:


(a)        £813,000 capital allocation for Bury Town FC relocation;


(b)    £360,000 anticipated future s106 contributions for sporting facilities at Moreton Hall;


(b)       the capital receipt of £193,460 detailed in (1) above; and


(3)    delegated authority be given to the Head of Operations, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Waste and Property, and Leisure, Culture and Heritage, Chief Executive, s151 Officer and Monitoring Officer, to agree the terms of all legal agreements necessary to give effect to the above.