Issue - meetings

Suffolk Waste Partnership - Organic Waste Options

Meeting: 15/09/2015 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 102)

102 The Future of the Organic Waste Service in West Suffolk pdf icon PDF 369 KB

Report No: CAB/FH/15/041 (TO FOLLOW)

Portfolio Holder: David  Bowman              Lead Officers: Mark Walsh and

                                                          Mark Christie




1.           The exclusion of food/kitchen waste from the brown bin scheme – to commence following procurement of the new treatment contract, be agreed.


2.           A subscription charge of between £35 and £50 per year for the brown bin service, as detailed in Section 1.4.3 to 1.4.8 of Report No CAB/FH/15/041 be introduced.


3.           A future report be received outlining the results of the procurement exercise and the Suffolk Waste Partnership’s agreed actions, to deliver Resolutions 1. and 2. above.


(Report No CAB/FH/15/041)


The Portfolio Holder for Operations presented this report which sought approval for changes to the current brown bin collection scheme in West Suffolk, which was in response to revisions to the organic waste service provided across Suffolk.


The report provided background information and how the Suffolk Waste Partnership, which co-ordinated, managed and integrated waste collection and disposal services across the county, had been considering options for the future of organic waste service for the past two/three years, including the reasons for this change. 


Option 3 was the preferred option of Officers, which was to introduce an annual subscription charge and exclude food/kitchen waste, which would potentially generate an income to ensure that the service was cost neutral.  If the brown bin scheme continued in its current format, West Suffolk would be faced with an estimated budget increase of £498,000 per year, in comparison to current costs.  This amount would need to be found in savings from elsewhere, with potential impacts on services across the Councils.


As part of delivering Option 3, Officers would prepare detailed costs, a revised policy, method of delivery and mobilisation plan.  It was expected that a revised scheme would commence in April 2016 or at an agreed date, thereafter.


With the vote being unanimous, it was






1.           The exclusion of food/kitchen waste from the brown bin scheme – to commence following procurement of the new treatment contract, be agreed.


2.           A subscription charge of between £35 and £50 per year for the brown bin service, as detailed in Section 1.4.3 to 1.4.8 of Report No CAB/FH/15/041 be introduced.


3.           A future report be received outlining the results of the procurement exercise and the Suffolk Waste Partnership’s agreed actions, to deliver Resolutions 1. and 2. above.