Issue - meetings

2016/17 Budget Setting - Bury St Edmunds Bus Station Information Building

Meeting: 20/10/2015 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 126)

126 2016/2017 Budget Setting - Bury St Edmunds Bus Station Information Building pdf icon PDF 245 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/15/063

Cabinet Member: Robert Everitt      Lead Officer: Davina Howes

Additional documents:




(1)    having noted (2) below, a £39,500 capital investment, as detailed in Section 1 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/063, funded from 2015/16 capital invest to save budget, to reconfigure the bus station information building to release revenue savings and additional income be approved; and


(2)     the decision on the final layout, including the entrance to the public toilets, is based upon advice of the police and will be implemented under existing officer delegation.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/15/063 (previously circulated), which sought approval for a capital allocation for the reconfiguration of the bus station information building in Bury St Edmunds for investment purposes.


Councillor Robert Everitt, Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet including a capital allocation of £39,500 had  been requested to reconfigure the bus station information building into three separate areas: (i) café kiosk and waiting area; (ii) public toilets; and (iii) lettable space.  This reconfiguration would have the potential to deliver a significant budget saving and generate an annual income from the café kiosk and lettable space.


Councillor Everitt provided further information on the reason for the project proposal, the benefits of investing to save and the financial assessment, further details of which, including existing and future potential costs and income, were contained in Exempt Appendix C.


The Cabinet considered an amended recommendation, as proposed by Councillor Everitt, which sought to clarify arrangements for finalising the reconfigured layout of the building.  Members noted that this would be undertaken under existing officer delegated authority.




(1)    having noted (2) below, a £39,500 capital investment, as detailed in Section 1 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/063, funded from 2015/16 capital invest to save budget, to reconfigure the bus station information building to release revenue savings and additional income be approved; and


(2)     the decision on the final layout, including the entrance to the public toilets, is based upon advice of the police and will be implemented under existing officer delegation.