Issue - meetings

Referrals report of recommendations from Cabinet and committees

Meeting: 17/11/2015 - St Edmundsbury Council (Item 106)

106 Referrals report of recommendations from Cabinet: 20 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Report No: COU/SE/15/034


Referrals from Cabinet: 20 October 2015



Enterprise Zones


Cabinet Member: Cllr Alaric Pugh



Transfer of Street Lighting Columns to Suffolk County Council


Cabinet Member: Cllr Peter Stevens




Hopton Village Hall Site and Sarson’s Field: Development Brief


Cabinet Member: Cllr Alaric Pugh




Council considered the Referrals report of Recommendations from Cabinet, as contained within Report No: COU/SE/15/034.


(A)    Referrals from Cabinet: 20 October 2015


1.       Enterprise Zones


Approval was sought for providing delegated authority to officers to pursue Enterprise Zone (EZ) discussions further in the event that either or both bids submitted by the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership and New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership were successful.


Councillor Alaric Pugh, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of Council, including that the above respective Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) had made bids for Haverhill Research Park and 14 hectares of land at Suffolk Business Park, Bury St Edmunds in the latest EZ bidding round.


Council noted the potential benefits and implications of a successful EZ status bid, particularly in relation to business rate growth.


On the motion of Councillor Alaric Pugh, seconded by Councillor Tim Marks, and duly carried, it was




That due to the potential financial implications of a successful Enterprise Zone bid, as detailed in Section 2 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/064, the S151 and Monitoring Officers be given delegated authority to pursue the Enterprise Zone discussions further in the event that either or both bids submitted by the Local Enterprise Partnerships are successful.


2.       Transfer of Street Lighting Columns to Suffolk County Council


Approval was sought for a capital allocation for the upgrading and transfer of street lighting assets to Suffolk County Council (SCC), which in turn would reduce annual revenue costs for the Borough Council.


Councillor Peter Stevens, Portfolio Holder for Operations, drew relevant issues to the attention of Council, including that a capital allocation of £1.81 million was sought to enable 3,027 St Edmundsbury Borough Council (SEBC) owned street lighting columns to be upgraded. 1,547 of them would be transferred to SCC Highway Authority and the remaining 1,481 would be retained by SEBC.  For the reasons provided in the report, an annual saving of approximately £156,500 per annum on current maintenance and energy costs was expected to be achieved as a result of the investment.


Discussion was held on the condition and design of some existing SCC-owned lighting columns; column maintenance and adoption issues; the controlling of timings for individual lights to facilitate part night lighting and the implications of part night lighting; and the issue of simplifying the process for enabling residents to report faulty lights to the relevant authority.


The majority of Members supported the proposal and considered the revenue savings that were anticipated to be made justified the £1.81 million capital allocation.


On the motion of Councillor Peter Stevens, seconded by Councillor Terry Buckle, and duly carried, it was




That £1,810,000 of non-allocated capital be allocated to upgrade 3,027 St Edmundsbury Borough Council (SEBC) owned street lighting assets to enable 1,547 of them to be transferred and adopted by the Suffolk County Council Highway Authority and to reduce the cost to power and maintain the 1,481 lighting assets retained by SEBC (reducing annual SEBC revenue expenditure by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106