Issue - meetings

Car Parking Review

Meeting: 22/12/2015 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 145)

145 Car Parking Review pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Report No: CAB/FH/15/063

Portfolio Holder: David Bowman               Lead Officer: Darren Dixon

Additional documents:




That, subject to the adoption of the budget by Council, that:


1.           Officers consider the operational implications of a Permit Scheme for religious worshippers within the Traffic Road Order.


2.           The recommendations set out in paragraph 2.4 of Report No CAB/FH/15/063 be approved and Officers be instructed to issue a revised Traffic Road Order for public consultation.


3.           The investigation by Suffolk County Council into on-street parking be noted and the next steps be agreed.


(Report No CAB/FH/15/063)


Councillor David Bowman, Portfolio Holder for Operations, presented this report which reviewed the management and operation of car parking in Forest Heath.  The last review of car parks in Forest Heath had been undertaken in 2012.  The profile of car parking had since changed, operation costs had risen and future developments, particularly in Newmarket Town Centre, were on the horizon.


This review had focused on the ability of the District’s car parks to manage capacity, to provide a high quality of service, provide affordable car parking and meet the challenges of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).


The Portfolio Holder explained that this report did not conclude that the District had a shortfall in car parking, either now or in the short/medium term.  A review of capacity would be required on a regular basis to monitor the impact of the Home of Horseracing, changes in the local economy of our market towns and housing growth across the District.


The report also made no proposals to change parking provision or the introduction of tariffs in Brandon, Lakenheath or Mildenhall, at this time.


Ten letters of representation had been received from local residents, covering the following:


-      supporting the charging in the off-street car parks from 9.00 am, rather than 8.00 am.

-      proposing that the end of the charging time in the off-street car parks be 3.00 pm, rather than 4.00 pm.

-      opposing the introduction of charges for Disabled Bays.

-      opposing the implementation of Sunday and Bank Holidays charges.  A number of these representations were received from religious worshippers objecting to the implementation of charging on Sundays and the effect that this could have on worship attendance.


Due to the number of representations which had been received in relation to charging on Sundays, the Portfolio Holder was, therefore, proposing the following additional recommendation for consideration by the Cabinet:


“1.     Officers consider the operational implications of a Permit Scheme for religious worshippers within the Traffic Road Order.”


Councillor Stephen Edwards, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance and the Ward Member for the All Saints Ward, supported the recommendations contained within the report.  The Portfolio Holder also referred to the Pocket Car Parks located on the edge of the All Saints Car Park and explained that there appeared to be 13 spaces not currently taken-up and proposed that these spaces could be incorporated within the All Saints Car Park itself, should the need arise, to accommodate the potential for more spaces within that Car Park.  The Car Parking Services Manager explained that a variation order for that Car Park could be undertaken under Officer delegated authority, if there was deemed a requirement to re-allocate these spaces within the Car Park.


Councillor Edwards also expressed concerns with regard to the car parking within Newmarket High Street, as the car parking restrictions were not being adhered to.  The Car Parking Services Manager explained that the Newmarket Vision Transport Group would be reviewing the car parking within the High Street  ...  view the full minutes text for item 145