Issue - meetings

Provision of Additional Artificial Pitch Capacity in Haverhill

Meeting: 09/02/2016 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 177)

177 Third Generation Artificial Pitch Provision in Haverhill pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/16/007

Portfolio Holder: Joanna Rayner      Lead Officer: Damien Parker


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL (23 February 2016):



(1)     the bridging loan request received from Haverhill Community Sports Association for up to £300,000 to enable it to progress the building of a third generation (3g) football pitch facility at the New Croft site in Chalkstone Way, Haverhill be approved; and


(2)     the Head of Operations, in consultation with the Services Manager (Legal), be authorised to prepare the necessary legal agreements to support the issue of the loan, in accordance with the terms set out in Report No: CAB/SE/16/007, subject to:


(a)     the Haverhill Community Sports Association confirming acceptance of the loan agreement conditions; and


(b)     receipt of a unilateral undertaking from the developer of the North East Haverhill Vision 2031 growth site that they will pay the Council £300,000 as a voluntary contribution towards the scheme (and repayment of the loan), in lieu of making their own equivalent provision within their proposed development.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/16/007, which sought approval for an allocation of funding for a bridging loan.


Councillor Joanna Rayner, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture drew relevant issues to the attention of Cabinet, including that Haverhill Community Sports Association (HCSA) had been successful in obtaining a grant offer of £300,000 from the Football Foundation to create a third generation (3g) football pitch on the New Croft site in Haverhill.


The Council’s West Suffolk Playing Pitch Assessment had identified a need for a 3g pitch in Haverhill to meet current and future growth in demand, and the New Croft site was a logical location to place such a facility. The new facility was estimated to cost £600,000 and the HCSA currently had a shortfall of £300,000. HCSA had therefore approached the Council for a loan of a further £300,000, on a bridging loan basis ahead of other third party funding, to enable the HCSA to accept the grant offer and to commence on site prior to next football season.


Should the loan be supported there would be a series of safeguards placed in the loan agreement to protect the Council’s interest, in accordance with the Council’s existing loans policy. Proposed conditions of the loan were contained in Appendix 1 attached to the report.


Members congratulated the HCSA on its success in obtaining the grant from the Football Foundation and commended the Portfolio Holder and officers on the work undertaken to agree a positive way forward that would help ensure the project came to fruition.





(1)    the bridging loan request received from Haverhill Community Sports Association for up to £300,000 to enable it to progress the building of a third generation (3g) football pitch facility at the New Croft site in Chalkstone Way, Haverhill be approved; and


(2)    the Head of Operations, in consultation with the Services Manager (Legal), be authorised to prepare the necessary legal agreements to support the issue of the loan, in accordance with the terms set out in Report No: CAB/SE/16/007, subject to:


(a)    the Haverhill Community Sports Association confirming acceptance of the loan agreement conditions; and


(b)    receipt of a unilateral undertaking from the developer of the North East Haverhill Vision 2031 growth site that they will pay the Council £300,000 as a voluntary contribution towards the scheme (and repayment of the loan), in lieu of making their own equivalent provision within their proposed development.