Issue - meetings

Applications for Community Chest Grant Funding 2017/2018

Meeting: 13/12/2016 - Forest Heath Cabinet (Item 275)

275 Allocation of Community Chest Funding 2017/2018 pdf icon PDF 354 KB

Report No: CAB/FH/16/062

Portfolio Holder: Robin Millar          Lead Officer: Davina Howes






(1)        The allocation of funding from the Community Chest be noted as follows:


1.   Alumah

     2017-2018           £3,700


2.   Arts For Us

                   2017-2018           £9,520


3.   Fresh Start: New Beginnings

2017-2018            £10,000


4.   Our Special Friends

2017-2018            £6,000


5.   Rural Coffee Caravan

          2017/2018           £3,210


6.   Suffolk West Citizens Advice (MoneySmart)

          2017/2018           £27,192


7.   The Volunteer Network

          2017/18               £10,299.33

          2018/19               £10,299.33

          2019/20               £10,299.33


8.   Unit Twenty Three

          2017/2018     £5,000


(2)         The Head of Families and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities (and in relation to Item 9. below (Abundant Life Church), in consultation with the Leader of the Council) to approve the funding allocated to the organisations listed below, with the total sum allocated being no more than £63,976.67:


9.     Abundant  Life Church

10.  ActivLives

11.  FamilyCarersNet 

12.  HomeStart (Lakenheath)

13.  Sharing Parenting

14.  YOPEY Befriending



(Report No: CAB/FH/16/062)


Prior to presenting this report, Councillor Robin Millar, Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities, declared a local non-pecuniary interest as he was a member of the Abundant Life Church and was also a friend of one of the applicants (Our Special Friends).  Councillor Millar confirmed that he would remain in the meeting, but would abstain from voting on this item.


Councillor Millar then presented this report explained that applications for Community Chest funding for 2017/2018 had closed on 30 September 2016.  A total of 23 applications had been received from a wide variety of organisations.


The total budget for the Community Chest in 2017/2018 was £142,904 which included £69,054 from Suffolk Public Health who had allocated money to each District/Borough Council.  This was a one-off funding stream and would not be repeated in future years.  The purpose of the Public Health funding was to support activity to improve health across the area.  Forest Heath District Council and Suffolk County Council had agreed to work collaboratively to improve the level of intervention, enhance the mutual understanding of needs within the county and deliver long term benefits to all parties.


In determining this year’s allocations, each application had been assessed against the scheme’s criteria and some had been declined.  Those applications which had not been considered appropriate for Community Chest Funding were listed within paragraph 1.4 of the report.  Officers in the Families and Communities Team would work with these organisations to try and identify alternative funding.  Following detailed consideration, it was felt that 14 applications met the scheme’s criteria and should be allocated funding.  These organisations and the funding allocated were detailed in paragraph 1.5 of the report.


With 4 voting for the motion and with 1 abstention (Councillor Robin Millar), it was






(1)        The allocation of funding from the Community Chest be noted as follows:


1.        Alumah

          2017-2018           £3,700


2.        Arts For Us

                             2017-2018                     £9,520


3.        Fresh Start: New Beginnings

2017-2018             £10,000


4.           Our Special Friends

2017-2018             £6,000


5.           Rural Coffee Caravan

          2017/2018           £3,210


6.           Suffolk West Citizens Advice (MoneySmart)

                   2017/2018           £27,192


7.           The Volunteer Network

          2017/18               £10,299.33

          2018/19               £10,299.33

          2019/20               £10,299.33


8.           Unit Twenty Three

                   2017/2018           £5,000


(2)      The Head of Families and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Families and Communities (and in relation to Item 9. below (Abundant Life Church), in consultation with the Leader of the Council) to approve the funding allocated to the organisations listed below, with the total sum allocated being no more than £63,976.67:


9.           Abundant  Life Church

10.        ActivLives

11.        FamilyCarersNet 

12.        HomeStart (Lakenheath)

13.        Sharing Parenting

14.        YOPEY Befriending