Issue - meetings

Approach to Delivering a Sustainable Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016-2020; 4 Year Settlement Offer from Central Government; and Economic Development and Growth Funding Requests

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 248)

248 Consideration of: Approach to Delivering a Sustainable Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016-2020; Four-Year Settlement Offer from Central Government; and Economic Development and Growth Funding Requests pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/16/045

Portfolio Holder: Ian HoulderLead Officer: Rachael Mann


(For reference purposes, Forest Heath District Council’s Report Number is CAB/FH/16/041)

Additional documents:


RECOMMENDED TO  COUNCIL (27 September 2016):



(A)     Subject to the correction of a typographical error, as indicated in (A) (3) below, the following recommendations considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 14 September 2016, as set out in Report No: OAS/SE/16/022, be approved:


(1)      The approach to delivering a sustainable medium term financial strategy 2016 -2020 as set out in Report No: OAS/SE/16/022, be supported.


(2)      Government’s offer of a four-year Finance Settlement be accepted, and the Head of Resources and Performance (Chief Financial Officer) be authorised to advise Government of Council’s decision.


(3)      That the Council’s existing Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) document and the approach paper (Report No: OAS/SE/16/022)  be recognised as the Council’s Efficiency Plan, for the purposes of accepting any four-year Finance Settlement under (1) (2) above.


(B)     Approval be given to an allocation of £250,500 from its Strategic Priorities and MTFS Reserves, as SEBC’s share towards funding the in-year (and in some cases future years) Economic Development and Growth funding requests outlined in Appendix 2 to Report No: CAB/SE/16/045.


(Report No: CAB/SE/16/045)


Further to the joint informal discussions held prior to the meeting with Forest Heath District Council’s Cabinet on Report No: CAB/SE/16/045, it was proposed, seconded and





(A)    Subject to the correction of a typographical error, as indicated in (A) (3) below, the following recommendations considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 14 September 2016, as set out in Report No: OAS/SE/16/022, be approved:


(1)      The approach to delivering a sustainable medium term financial strategy 2016 -2020 as set out in Report No: OAS/SE/16/022, be supported.


(2)      Government’s offer of a four-year Finance Settlement be accepted, and the Head of Resources and Performance (Chief Financial Officer) be authorised to advise Government of Council’s decision.


(3)      That the Council’s existing Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) document and the approach paper (Report No: OAS/SE/16/022)  be recognised as the Council’s Efficiency Plan, for the purposes of accepting any four-year Finance Settlement under (1) (2) above.


(B)    Approval be given to an allocation of £250,500 from its Strategic Priorities and MTFS Reserves, as SEBC’s share towards funding the in-year (and in some cases future years) Economic Development and Growth funding requests outlined in Appendix 2 to Report No: CAB/SE/16/045.