Issue - meetings

Draft Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan: Update and Request for Delegations

Meeting: 07/02/2017 - St Edmundsbury Cabinet (Item 305)

305 Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan Progress pdf icon PDF 306 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/17/011

Portfolio Holder: Alaric Pugh           Lead Officer: Kirsty Pitwood


Additional documents:





(1)     the update on the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan process, be noted;


(2)     the emerging issues and options, as detailed in Section 1.7 of Report No: CAB/SE/17/011, be noted; and


(3)     delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, to approve the Issues and Options Report for public consultation.


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/17/011, which sought authorisation of the relevant delegations to enable the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre masterplanning process to progress.


Councillor Alaric Pugh, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of Cabinet, including that the aim of the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan was to set guidelines for the future growth and development of the town centre and to provide the framework for individual development proposals to be assessed when they came forward.


The report provided details of progress to date, including that a Working Group had been established, comprising several partners and stakeholders, to drive the project forward.  An indicative timeline was also provided at paragraph 1.3.1, setting out the various stages required to be undertaken before adoption of the masterplan as a Supplementary Planning Document was sought by full Council by the end of 2017.


In order to meet the relevant timescales, delegated authority was sought for the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, to approve a final version of the Issues and Options (I&O) report (which was legally required to be produced and would inform the development of the masterplan), for public consultation. 


The proposed Communications Plan, and Public Engagement/Consultation Plan were noted, together with the suggested opportunities for inclusion in the I&O report outlined in paragraphs 1.7.4 to 1.7.12.


Councillor Pugh emphasised that if the relevant delegated authority was granted, both he and the Chief Executive would be acting on behalf of the Working Group and therefore recognition should be given to the significant amount of work that would have been completed through effective partnership working to reach a point where the Group was satisfied to go out to consultation on the I&O report.


In response to a question, the Cabinet was informed that rural parish councils and other interested persons located in rural areas would have the opportunity to become engaged in developing the emerging Town Centre Masterplan, as part of the consultation processes.


The Cabinet expressed its tremendous support regarding the development of the Masterplan and welcomed the forthcoming I&O consultation, details of which had been promoted on the Council’s website. Members also looked forward to how the emerging Masterplan would illustrate aspirations for the town, support future growth and ensure Bury St Edmunds remained an attractive place to live, work, visit and invest.





(1)     the update on the Bury St Edmunds Town Centre Masterplan process, be noted;


(2)     the emerging issues and options, as detailed in Section 1.7 of Report No: CAB/SE/17/011, be noted; and


(3)     delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, to approve the Issues and Options Report for public consultation.