Agenda and minutes

St Edmundsbury Haverhill Area Working Party - Wednesday 25 February 2015 4.15 pm

Venue: Seminar Room, Castle Manor Business and Enterprise Facility, Castle Manor Academy, Eastern Avenue, Haverhill

Contact: Claire Skoyles  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Phillip French, Marion Rushbrook and Adam Whittaker.




No substitutions were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 266 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2014 (copy attached).


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan: Consultation on Issues and Options pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Report No: HAV/SE/15/001 TO FOLLOW

Additional documents:


(Councillors Brown and Marks declared in the interests of transparency that they were both representatives on the ONE Haverhill Board and ONE Haverhill’s Town Masterplanning Core Group and remained in the meeting for the consideration of this item.)


The Working Party considered Report No: HAV/SE/15/001, which sought approval for consultation on the Issues and Options that would inform Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan. 


ONE Haverhill was leading on the Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan with the final version proposed to be adopted by the Borough Council as a Supplementary Planning Document in September 2015.


Members noted that on 21 October 2014, subject to the Haverhill Area Working Party being satisfied with it’s content, the Cabinet had given delegated authority to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services and the Portfolio Holder with the responsibility for Haverhill, to approve the Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan Issues and Options document for consultation.  This meant that following this Working Party meeting, the consultation could commence within the necessary timescales, thus removing the need to seek further approval from Cabinet to commence consultation at its next meeting on 24 March 2015.


Matthew Lappin, David Keene and Val Conway, representatives from appointed consultants, David Lock Associates, were in attendance and undertook a presentation, explaining the purpose and scope of the Issues and Options consultation.  Members noted that this stage of the masterplanning process focussed on understanding the key issues facing the town centre, and engaging with stakeholders and the wider community to fully understand what the town centre could, and should be like.  The Issues and Options would then help shape the development of the draft Masterplan.


Having considered the relevant evidence base for Haverhill, and undertaken an analysis of the role and function of the town centre, the Working Party noted that ten broad themes had been worked up (as detailed in the report), which would be consulted upon during the consultation period due to commence on Monday 9 March 2015 to Friday 17 April 2015.


Section 1.3.3 of the report provided the format for the consultation and Members were asked to encourage the community to submit comments.


A detailed discussion was held on several issues, including:


(a)     whether the existing road infrastructure, particularly the A1307, could support growth in the town centre;


(b)     that given the changes in shopping habits and the consequential changing retail offer  in traditional town High Streets, it was more likely that local retailers delivering local services to local people would be attracted to the town rather than one of the major retailers;


(c)     whether there were sufficient opportunities for the community to partake in the consultation;


(d)     pedestrianisation of the High Street and that this topic would be considered as part of developing the draft Masterplan if the outcome of the Issues and Options consultation provided a sufficient desire for it;


(e)     the methods by which the consultants would ascertain from people what they would actually want  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


ONE Haverhill: Update

The Working Party will receive a verbal update on the current work of ONE Haverhill.


The Working Party received and noted a verbal update from Sarah Howard, Chairman of ONE Haverhill.


Firstly, Mrs Howard wished to establish the purpose of the update, which was a standard item on the Haverhill Area Working Party (HAWP) agenda, and as there were several members of ONE Haverhill on HAWP, whether it was sufficient to receive updates from any one of them.  This was agreed.


Councillor Pugh explained that whilst he would usually provide an update, as Vice-Chairman on ONE Haverhill, he was unfamiliar with the current status of all the project streams currently being operated by ONE Haverhill.  However, he did acknowledge that both Councillors Brown and Marks could provide assistance with this.  The importance of maintaining an openness between the two bodies was also recognised.


Further information was provided on the work of the Masterplanning Core Group, including the extensive provision of methods by which the community could respond to the consultation on the Issues and Options document.  Discussion was also held on the budget for the masterplanning process and the potential outcomes.


Mrs Howard then provided information on the continuing success of the Youth Skills Ambassador project and how this had positively impacted on significantly reducing youth unemployment in Haverhill.  The local schools had also welcomed the initiative.


In response to a question, the Working Party was informed that details regarding the provision of apprenticeships for those with special needs would be ascertained and reported back to HAWP.


An update was also provided on the ‘CB9 Shine’ project which was about ‘spring cleaning’ the town.  All were encouraged to get involved.


(SH left at the conclusion of this item.)



Dog Fouling Issues: Update pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report No: HAV/SE/15/002

Additional documents:


The Working Party considered Report No: HAV/SE/15/002 (previously circulated), which provided an updated on issues of dog fouling in the town.


The Working Party noted the report with interest and considered it was an excellent strategy for those that were prepared to clean up after their dog, however, there remained a concern that insufficient action was taken on those that flouted the regulations and did not dispose of dog waste appropriately.


Members acknowledged that enforcement was difficult for the reasons provided in the report and the message was reinforced that the community did need to unite to try and tackle the problem.


Suggestions for improving the situation included:


(a)     hiring a surveillance company to catch offenders ‘red-handed’ and take the necessary enforcement action;


(b)     provision of a dedicated area of open space in which dog walkers could allow their dogs to be unleashed, but that dogs be banned from other recreational areas and kept on leads throughout the rest of the town;


(c)     increasing public awareness of potential health hazards and risks;


(d)     provision of an educational package for schools;


(e)     consulting with a Forest Heath District Councillor who had led on a similar project and appeared to achieve positive results from the strategies adopted; and


(f)      whether the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) could be undertaken by other authorised persons, however it was understood that FPNs may shortly be abolished.


Following discussion of a potential way forward, the officers agreed that investigations would be undertaken into (a) above, however, there would be resource implications with this, and (d) above.  This option could be introduced as part of the process when consulting on play area provision.     


(AP left the meeting during the consideration of this item.)


Work Programme

The Working Party is invited to indicate potential issues for consideration at future meetings.


The issue regarding access to temporary accommodation in Haverhill, as raised at the last meeting on 11 December 2014 and detailed in the minutes, has been noted as a future agenda item.


The Working Party was invited to consider items for its future Work Programme. 


The following issues were raised as potential items:


(a)     Follow up on whether any action was being taken to redevelop the former Vixen Public House, or whether any action could be taken to improve its appearance;


(b)     whether Haverhill could benefit from one-hour free parking in the town centre;


(c)     an update on Haverhill Markets and whether enhancements could be made.


Members noted that the update on persons accessing temporary accommodation in Haverhill was scheduled for a future meeting.  Councillor Mrs Gower, Portfolio Holder for Housing explained that now the Homelessness Strategy had been adopted by full Council on 24 February 2015, work was continuing to address this issue.  Councillor Ms Byrne commended Councillor Mrs Gower for her work on this Strategy.  




Dates of Future Meetings

The Working Party is asked to consider whether it wishes to meet again before the Borough Council elections on 7 May 2015; and if so, to provide an indication of when.


The following future meetings have already been determined:


·         Thursday 9 July 2015

·         Thursday 15 October 2015


Both meetings will be held at Castle Manor Academy at 4.15pm.


The Working Party considered whether it wished to meet again before the Borough Council elections on 7 May 2015.


Whilst it was reiterated that there would not be anything to report on the masterplanning process, some Members considered it would be beneficial to meet in mid April 2015.


A date would be sought to be agreed with the Joint Chairmen and circulated to Members by email in due course.


The Working Party had already determined the following dates for future meetings:


Thursday 9 July 2015; and

Thursday 15 October 2015.


Both meetings to be held at Castle Manor Academy at 4.15pm.