Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 21 May 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Mildenhall Hub, Sheldrick Way, Mildenhall

Contact: Sharon Turner: Democratic Services Officer  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


No apologies for absence were received.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2024 (copy attached).


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of interest

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registerable or non-registrable interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda, no later than when that item is reached and, when appropriate, to leave the meeting prior to discussion and voting on the item.


Members’ declarations of interest are recorded under the item to which the declaration relates.


Open forum

At each Cabinet meeting, up to 15 minutes shall be allocated for questions or statements from and discussion with, non-Cabinet members. Members wishing to speak during this session are encouraged to give notice in advance. Who speaks and for how long will be at the complete discretion of the person presiding.


No non-Cabinet members in attendance wished to speak under this item.



Public participation

Members of the public who live or work in the district are invited to put one question or statement of not more than three minutes duration relating to items to be discussed in Part 1 of the agenda only. If a question is asked and answered within three minutes, the person who asked the question may ask a supplementary question that arises from the reply.


A person who wishes to speak must register at least 15 minutes before the time the meeting is scheduled to start. This can be done online by sending the request to or telephoning 01638 719237 or in person by telling the Committee Administrator present at the meeting. We would urge anyone who wishes to register to speak to notify Democratic Services by 9am on the day of the meeting so that advice can be given on the arrangements in place. 


There is an overall time limit of 15 minutes for public speaking, which may be extended at the Chair’s discretion.


There were no members of the public in attendance on this occasion.



Report of the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee: 5 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 179 KB

Report number:     CAB/WS/24/023

Portfolio holder: Councillor Diane Hind

Lead officer: Rachael Mann


(Report number CAB/WS/24/023)


The Cabinet received and noted this report, which informed members of the following substantive items discussed by the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee at their meeting held on 21 May 2024:


1.   Performance report

2.   ARP forecast financial performance

3.   Welfare reform update

4.   Forthcoming issues


Councillor Diane Hind, Portfolio Holder for Resources, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet.


Councillor Hind also expressed her thanks to the staff at the Partnership for their continued support to the residents of West Suffolk.



Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: 14 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 152 KB

Report number:     CAB/WS/24/024

Chair of the Committee: Councillor Sarah Broughton

Lead officer: Christine Brain


(Report number CAB/WS/24/024)


The Cabinet received this report, which informed Members of the following substantive items discussed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their meeting held on 14 March 2024:


1.    UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund - Progress Update

2.    Suffolk County Council: Health Scrutiny Committee - 24 January 2024

3.    Suffolk County Council: Police and Crime Panel - 26 January 2024

4.    Cabinet Decisions Plan: 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024

5.    Work programme update 2024.


Councillor Sarah Broughton, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet.


In relation to Item 4. above (Cabinet Decisions Plan: 1 March 2024 to 31 May 2024), the Leader confirmed that the Olding Road Options Appraisal would now be considered by Cabinet on 25 June 2024 and by Council on 16 July 2024.


In relation to the item 5. above (Work programme update 2024), Cllr Indy Wijenayaka confirmed to the Cabinet that he would be attending the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 13 June 2024 to discuss the West Suffolk Markets.


Proposed Changes to the Council's Community Chest Grant Fund pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Report number:     CAB/WS/24/025

Portfolio holder: Cllr Donna Higgins

Lead officer: Jill Korwin






1.           The proposals, as outlined in Section 3 of Report number CAB/WS/24/025, be agreed.


2.           The role of the Grant Working Party be retained for consideration of the Thriving Communities Fund, making recommendations to Cabinet, be agreed.


(Report number CAB/WS/24/025)


The Cabinet considered this report which set out proposals to launch the ‘Thriving Communities Funding’ in July 2024, as a successor to the Community Chest fund.


The proposed changes to the scheme were outlined within Section 3 of Report number CAB/WS/24/025,this being that:


·         The funding of Citizens Advice West Suffolk be through a three-year grant agreement (to be agreed) to the total of £200,000 funding per year.

·         The remaining £266,733 to be allocated through a ‘Thriving Communities’ grant scheme, with two levels of funding available for smaller and larger projects.

·         To continue to administer £179,220 to West Suffolk communities via Locality budgets.


The report also referred to the role of the Council’s Grant Working Party in the consideration of applications and making recommendations to the Cabinet.  It provided a useful checking process and ensured wider engagement in the allocation of funding.  The Working Party also assisted with the monitoring of outcomes that could include support for monitoring the Citizens Advice Grant Agreement.  Therefore, it was also being proposed for the process through the Grant Working Party to be retained for the new Thriving Communities Fund.






1.           The proposals, as outlined in Section 3 of Report number CAB/WS/24/025, be agreed.


2.           The role of the Grant Working Party be retained for consideration of the Thriving Communities Fund, making recommendations to Cabinet, be agreed.


Annual Review and Appointment of the Cabinet's Joint Committee and Working Groups pdf icon PDF 210 KB

Report number:     CAB/WS/24/026

Portfolio holder: Councillor Cliff Waterman

Lead officers: Jen Eves and Teresa Halliday

Additional documents:




1.           That the Leader of the Council appoints:


a.    Councillor Diane Hind, Portfolio Holder for Resources, as the full member to represent West Suffolk Council on the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee in 2024 to 2025.


b.    Councillors Victor Lukaniuk, Deputy Leader and David Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Operations, as the substitute members to represent West Suffolk Council on the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee in 2024 to 2025.


c.    It be noted that on the nomination of the Leader of the Council, the Monitoring Officer may exercise their delegated authority to appoint appropriate Cabinet membership (full and substitute members) to the above joint committee during 2024 to 2025, as necessary.


2.           It is recommended that the Cabinet:


a.    Continues to operate the Staff Consultative Panel in 2024 to 2025 in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix A to Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


b.    Periodical meetings of the above Panel be scheduled as and when required but with regard to the discussion outlined in Section 2.2.2 of Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


3.           The Cabinet continues to operate the West Suffolk Grant Working Party in 2024 to 2025 in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix B to Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


4.           The Cabinet continues to operate the West Suffolk Local Plan Working Group in 2024 to 2025 in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix C to Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


5.           It be noted that should it become necessary and on the nominations of Group Leaders, the Monitoring Officer may exercise their delegated authority to appoint appropriate membership (full and substitute members) to the above Working Groups during 2024 to 2025 in accordance with their Terms of Reference.


6.           It be noted that, subject to resources being available to support them, informal advisory panels be established by the Leader to consider specific issues as required throughout 2024 to 2025.



(Report number CAB/WS/24/026)


The Cabinet considered this report which was recommending appointments to the Cabinet’s Joint Committee and Working Groups for the year 2024 to 2025.  Upon doing so, the existing Terms of Reference for each had been reviewed, as set out within the Appendices attached to this report.




1.           That the Leader of the Council appoints:


a.    Councillor Diane Hind, Portfolio Holder for Resources, as the full member to represent West Suffolk Council on the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee in 2024 to 2025.


b.    Councillors Victor Lukaniuk, Deputy Leader and David Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Operations, as the substitute members to represent West Suffolk Council on the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee in 2024 to 2025.


c.    It be noted that on the nomination of the Leader of the Council, the Monitoring Officer may exercise their delegated authority to appoint appropriate Cabinet membership (full and substitute members) to the above joint committee during 2024 to 2025, as necessary.


2.           It is recommended that the Cabinet:


a.    Continues to operate the Staff Consultative Panel in 2024 to 2025 in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix A to Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


b.    Periodical meetings of the above Panel be scheduled as and when required but with regard to the discussion outlined in Section 2.2.2 of Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


3.           The Cabinet continues to operate the West Suffolk Grant Working Party in 2024 to 2025 in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix B to Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


4.           The Cabinet continues to operate the West Suffolk Local Plan Working Group in 2024 to 2025 in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Appendix C to Report number: CAB/WS/24/026.


5.           It be noted that should it become necessary and on the nominations of Group Leaders, the Monitoring Officer may exercise their delegated authority to appoint appropriate membership (full and substitute members) to the above Working Groups during 2024 to 2025 in accordance with their Terms of Reference.


6.           It be noted that, subject to resources being available to support them, informal advisory panels be established by the Leader to consider specific issues as required throughout 2024 to 2025.



Decisions Plan: 1 May 2024 to 31 May 2025 pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To consider the most recently published version of the Cabinet’s Decisions Plan


Report number:     CAB/WS/24/027

Leader of the Council: Councillor Cliff Waterman

Lead officer: Ian Gallin


(Report number CAB/WS/24/027)


The Cabinet considered this report which was the Cabinet Decisions Plan covering the period 1 May 2024 to 31 May 2025.


Members took the opportunity to review the intended forthcoming decisions of the Cabinet.  However, no further information or amendments were requested on this occasion.