Venue: Conference Chamber, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU
Contact: Helen Hardinge: Democratic Services Officer Email:
Note: Attention is drawn to the guidance document for this meeting linked below //Public speakers are directed to the protcol document linked below
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: The Chair formally commenced the meeting and welcomed all present to the Development Control Committee, with special reference made to Councillor Brian Harvey who was attending his first meeting as a newly appointed member of the Committee.
The Chair also reminded the Committee that item 7 had been withdrawn from the agenda.
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Roger Dicker, Andy Drummond, Susan Glossop and Ian Houlder. |
Substitutes Any member who is substituting for another member should so indicate, together with the name of the relevant absent member. Minutes: The following substitutions were declared:
Councillor Andy Neal substituting for Councillor Roger Dicker; Councillor James Lay substitute for Councillor Andy Drummond; and Councillor Sara Mildmay-White substituting for Councillor Susan Glossop |
To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 23 June 2021 and 7 July 2021 (copies attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2021 were confirmed as a correct record, with 13 voting for the motion and with 2 abstentions, and were signed by the Chair.
The minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2021 were confirmed as a correct record, with 14 voting for the motion and with 1 abstention, and were signed by the Chair; subject to the following additional paragraph being inserted as follows:
151. Planning Application DC/21/0110/RM - Land NW of Haverhill, Ann Suckling Road, Little Wratting (Report No: DEV/WS/21/022)
Councillor David Smith also addressed the meeting and echoed many of the points made by Councillor Burns. His largest concern was also the 4 storey units and the visual impact they would have.
Councillor Susan Glossop expressed similar concerns regarding the 4 storey units. She also spoke on the importance of developers working with local communities and representatives, and listening to their concerns, in order to create first-rate developments.
Councillor Peter Stevens stressed that the site was former rolling countryside and therefore the design of the roof blocks was important to mitigate the visual impact.
Declarations of interest Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any pecuniary or local non pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda, no later than when that item is reached and, when appropriate, to leave the meeting prior to discussion and voting on the item. Minutes: Members’ declarations of interest are recorded under the item to which the declaration relates. |
Report No: DEV/WS/21/026
Reserved matters application - submission of details under outline planning permission SE/09/1283 - the means of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 123 dwellings, together with associated private amenity space, means of enclosure, car parking, vehicle and access arrangements together with proposed areas of landscaping and areas of open space for a phase of residential development known as phase 2b (as amended by plans received 14.5.21 and 21.07.2021) Additional documents:
Minutes: (Councillors John Burns and David Smith each declared a non-pecuniary interest in this item in light of the fact that they had taken part in Haverhill Town Council’s consideration of the application. However, they stressed that they would keep an open mind and listen to the debate prior to voting on the item.)
Reserved matters application - submission of details under outline planning permission SE/09/1283 - the means of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 123 dwellings, together with associated private amenity space, means of enclosure, car parking, vehicle and access arrangements together with proposed areas of landscaping and areas of open space for a phase of residential development known as phase 2b (as amended by plans received 14.5.21 and 21.07.2021)
This application was initially referred to the Development Control Committee following call-in from Ward Member (Haverhill North) Councillor Joe Mason. In addition, the Town Council had voiced objections to the application.
The Principal Planning Officer reminded Members that the application was part of the wider North West Haverhill site which was one of two strategic growth sites for Haverhill identified in the adopted Core Strategy. The application before the Committee sought approval of the details for part of the second phase of residential development.
At the meeting of the Development Control Committee on 7 July 2021 Members resolved to defer consideration of the application in order to allow Officers additional time in which to work with the applicant to address some of the concerns raised by the Committee; relating to the four storey units, the density and electric charging point provision.
Since the last meeting amendments had been made to the scheme which the Principal Planning Officer outlined as follows: · The 4 storey units had been reduced to 3 storey thereby reducing the overall number of dwellings in the application to 123; · Five additional visitor spaces had been provided (and not 6 as incorrectly referenced in Report No DEV/WS/21/026); · Electric charging points provision had been enhanced; and · Some additional soft landscaping was to be provided including two feature trees.
The Committee was advised that following the amendments to the proposal Haverhill Town Council had confirmed that they now withdrew their objections to the application. The Town Council made further comments in respect of space standards and bin collection points which the Officer provided further explanation on.
It was highlighted that the density of the development had now reduced to 42dph and, for the benefit of the meeting, the Principal Planning Officer advised on density tolerances and the way in which it was calculated.
As part of her presentation the Principal Planning Officer showed videos of the site by way of a virtual ‘site visit’.
Lastly, the Committee was informed that two related Reserved Matters applications had been submitted by the applicant in respect of the sports pitch/play areas and infrastructure (including highways). Both applications were now subject to consultation.
Officers were recommending that the application be granted, subject to conditions as set out in Paragraph ... view the full minutes text for item 160. |
Report No: DEV/WS/21/027
Reserved matters application - submission of details approved under outline planning permission F/2013/0345/OUT for access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (not EIA) for up to 81 dwellings and associated works (as amended) Additional documents:
Minutes: Reserved matters application - submission of details approved under outline planning permission F/2013/0345/OUT for access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (not EIA) for up to 81 dwellings and associated works (as amended)
This application was referred to the Development Control Committee following consideration by the Delegation Panel.
Members were advised that outline planning permission was granted for up to 81 dwellings at the site in September 2018. The application before the Committee sought approval of matters reserved by condition 2 of the outline planning permission.
The Principal Planning Officer – Major Projects explained the linkage between the application site and that of the adjacent development site which would include Lakenheath’s second primary school.
The lack of play space within the proposed scheme was highlighted to Members. The Officer advised that this was likely to be delivered within the adjacent site, however, provision had been made to secure financial contributions from this scheme if necessary.
Attention was also drawn to the initial comments received from the Council’s waste service in respect of the scheme. A plan was shown to the meeting which outlined waste bin movements, comments in response to this had yet to have been received from the waste service hence a condition had been included in order to address this matter.
Further to comments made by Lakenheath Parish Council regarding the “over engineered” road scheme within the proposal, the Committee were advised of the reasoning behind this which was to ensure the road was officially adopted by the Highways Authority.
Reference was made to the supplementary ‘late papers’ which had been circulated following publication of the agenda and which contained an amended recommendation to the report.
Further to the matters set out in the late papers the Officer also: · Presented an amended plan which set out the redesign of Plot 40 in order to improve the parking provision. Members were advised that the Highways Authority were in support of the amendments; and · Highlighted the recent changes to the NPPF, principally in relation to the definition of “beauty” and how this related to the application before the Committee.
Officers were recommending that the application be approved as per the amended recommendation set out in the supplementary late papers.
Speakers: Lakenheath Parish Council spoke against the application (A representative from the Parish Council did not attend the meeting to personally address the Committee and instead the Democratic Services Officer read out a pre-prepared submitted statement on their behalf.) Kevin Jewell (applicant) spoke in support of the application Peter McKeown (agent) spoke in support of the application
In response to questions/comments posed by Members during the debate, the Principal Planning Officer – Major Projects responded as follows: · A condition had been included on the outline planning permission in respect of electric vehicle charging points; · Air source heat pumps were proposed for the properties’ heating, however, there was no policy basis for this to be controlled by conditions; and · The Committee was advised that off-site highways improvements were required at the Sparkes Farm, ... view the full minutes text for item 161. |
Report No: DEV/WS/21/028
Planning Application - Continued use of heating fuel storage and distribution business (Class B8), retention of 4no. oil storage tanks, installation of 5th oil storage tank, office portacabin and lighting
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair advised earlier in the meeting that this item had been WITHDRAWN from the agenda. |
Report No: DEV/WS/21/029
Planning application - Installation of battery container, and associated foundations and fencing Additional documents:
Minutes: Planning application - Installation of battery container, and associated foundations and fencing
This application was referred to Development Control Committee as West Suffolk Council is the applicant.
The provision of a battery container, associated foundations and fencing was previously considered as part of an application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed development at the site, reference DC/21/0946/CLP however it was withdrawn from that application as it was considered to need planning permission and could not be carried out as Permitted Development under the regulations.
Members were reminded that an amended application DC/21/0946/CLP for the extension to the substation was considered at the Development Control Committee on 7 July 2021 and was granted.
As part of his presentation the Planning Officer showed videos of the site by way of a virtual ‘site visit’.
Officers were recommending that the application be approved subject to conditions as set out in Paragraph 25 of Report No DEV/WS/21/029.
The application prompted considerable discussion and debate by the Committee with a number comments being voiced in relation to the proposed location of the battery container plus related safety and visibility concerns.
The Service Manager (Planning – Development) advised Members that she would pass on the concerns raised to the relevant Officers so that they could instruct the contractors accordingly.
Councillor Jim Thorndyke proposed that consideration of the application be deferred in order to allow Officers additional time in which to explore an alternative location for the container. This was duly seconded by Councillor John Burns.
Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that
Consideration of the planning application be DEFERRED in order to allow Officers additional time in which to explore an alternative location for the container. |
Report No: DEV/WS/21/030
Application for advertisement consent - one externally illuminated fascia sign Additional documents:
Minutes: Application for advertisement consent - one externally illuminated fascia sign
This application was referred to Development Control Committee as West Suffolk Council is the owner of the application premises.
As part of her presentation the Planning Officer showed videos of the site by way of a virtual ‘site visit’.
Officers were recommending that the application be approved subject to conditions as set out in Paragraph 19 of Report No DEV/WS/21/030.
Reference was made to the supplementary ‘late papers’ which had been circulated following publication of the agenda and which contained comments from the Highways Authority who cited no objection to the proposal.
Councillor David Roach proposed that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation. This was duly seconded by Councillor Andy Neal.
Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that
Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following condition, plus the standard advertisement conditions:
1. Compliance with plans |