Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
To be completed and submitted at the count venue |
Documentation to be completed PDF 66 KB The following forms are to be handed in at the Welcome/Induction Day on 10 May 2023, alongside completion of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form in the presence of the Monitoring Officer |
Member induction and development PDF 65 KB Please refer to the Induction and Development Booklet for information when completing the attendance form for the post-election induction programme sessions (found within this pack at Section 2) |
How your council works PDF 67 KB Initial information documents to signpost you to the relevant Council service. You will meet members of the Leadership Team and Localities Officers at the Welcome/Induction day on 10 May 2023
Meetings and decision making PDF 66 KB In addition to the following guidance documents included within this section, attention is also drawn to the Council’s constitution which can be found in full on the website – links to the constitution and specific sections are included within Section 6 of this pack |
Supporting information and documentation PDF 65 KB Supporting information has been included in this section for you together with a list of links to further resources on the Council’s website and elsewhere on the internet |