Agenda item

Planning Application DC/16/1145/FUL - 50 The Street, Gazeley (Report No: DEV/FH/17/005)

Report No: DEV/FH/17/005


(i)                  4 dwellings and ancillary outbuildings (following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings)

(ii)                 Improvements to existing vehicular access


Planning Application DC/16/1145/FUL:

(i)                  4 dwellings and ancillary outbuildings (following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings);

(ii)                 Improvements to existing vehicular access


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee following consideration by the Delegation Panel.  A Member site visit was held prior to the meeting.


Officers were recommending that the application be approved, as set out in Paragraph 34 of Report No DEV/FH/17/005.


The Chairman advised the Committee that she was the Ward Member for the application, but she had deliberately refrained from making any prior comment on the application so was therefore able to take part in the Committee meeting.


The Principal Planning Officer advised Members that since publication of the agenda two further representations had been received from residents.  One primarily cited queries with regard to the drainage, the other was from a resident who bordered the development site who raised concerns with Plot 3 being situated so close to their boundary.  They explained that as they had an outbuilding in their garden against that boundary they were unable to plant any form of screening in that area.  In response, the Officer explained that the layout of Plot 3 was deemed acceptable as the layout of the property prevented overlooking.


The Committee were also advised that whilst the Parish Council did not object to the development they would have preferred for the existing building to have been retained, if this was not possible they had requested that the properties constructed in its place had brick and flint elevations (on the street frontage) to echo the existing. 


The Officer explained that the building that was to be demolished was not listed/protected in anyway.  He also advised the meeting that since the agenda had been published, the applicants had agreed to change the street frontage elevations of the garage block to brick and flint.


Councillor Carol Lynch spoke in relation to the neighbour’s screening concerns adjacent to Plot 3.  She asked if it would be possible to ask the applicants to give specific consideration to this boundary as part of their landscaping scheme condition.  The Officer confirmed that he could liaise with the applicant in relation to this matter.


Following which, Councillor Lynch moved that the application be approved as per the Officer recommendation, inclusive of the specific consideration to landscaping the boundary in question.  This was duly seconded by Councillor Stephen Edwards.


Considerable discussion then took place with regard to the street frontage elevations of the development, with many Members wishing for the street frontage elevations of the dwellings to also be amended to brick and flint, to match the garage block and echo the frontage of the (to be) demolished building.

The Service Manager (Planning – Development) suggested that, if the Committee were in agreement, the condition concerning materials could be delegated to Officers in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, in order to address Members’ desire to have all street frontage elevations in brick and flint. 


Councillors Lynch and Edwards confirmed that they were happy to include this matter within their motion.  Accordingly, on being put to the vote, it was unanimously resolved that


Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


1.   3 year time limit

2.   In accordance with approved plans (inc. Bat Survey and Arboricultural survey)

3.   Materials; those used in respect of the street frontage elevations be delegated to Officers, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee, in view of Members’ wish for brick and flint to be used

4.   Permitted Development rights removed – extensions / new openings (plots 3 and 4)

5.   Restrict construction hours

6.   Archaeological investigation & Post Investigation Assessment

7.   Details of footway across the frontage of the site to be submitted and agreed (pre-commencement)

8.   Vehicular access in accordance with approved plans

9.   Access surface material to be agreed

10.        Details of bin storage to be provided

11.        Surface water drainage to be agreed

12.        Parking, turning details and secure cycle storage areas to be submitted and approved

13.        Visibility splays in accordance with agreed details

14.        Landscaping in accordance with submitted plans

15.        Details of boundary treatment to be submitted and agreed; Officers to liaise with the applicant with regard to the neighbouring boundary with Plot 3 and explore potential boundary treatment to alleviate the concerns raised

16.        Implementation of recommendations of arboricultural report

17.        Implementation of recommendations of bat survey


Speaker:      Mrs Hilary Appleton (resident) spoke against the application.

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