Agenda item

Planning Application DC/15/2577/FUL - Kentford Lodge, Herringswell Road, Kentford (Report No: DEV/FH/17/006)

Report No: DEV/FH/17/006


(i)                  Proposed Development of 22 no. dwellings (including 9 no. affordable dwellings) and garages

(ii)                 Creation of a new access onto Herringswell Road and the upgrading of an existing access onto Herringswell Road

(iii)                Provision of amenity space and associated infrastructure, following the demolition of an office, residential annex and stables


Planning Application DC/15/2577/FUL - (i) Proposed Development of 22 no. dwellings (including 9 no. affordable dwellings) and garages (ii) Creation of a new access onto Herringswell Road and the upgrading of an existing access onto Herringswell Road (iii) Provision of amenity space and associated infrastructure, following the demolition of an office, residential annex and stables.


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee because it was a major application and the Parish Council raised objections. 


A Member site visit was held prior to the meeting, Officers were recommending that the application be approved as set out in Paragraph 126 of Report No: DEV/FH/17/006.


The Principal Planning Officer advised the Committee that since publication of the agenda two further emails had been received; the first was from the agent, on behalf of the applicant, outlining the meetings they had held with the Parish Council and the measures they had agreed to include as part of the application to ‘enhance the village’;  such as a planting scheme and the erection of a village information board.  The email also advised that the agents had similarly met with the residents of the Red House and had come to a mutual agreement on the boundary treatment/landscaping.


The second email was from Kentford Parish Council and had been forwarded to the Council from the agent.  In the email the Parish Council expressed pleasure at the extent to which the applicant had worked with the Parish Council and had enabled the village to secure a number of positive elements from the development.  And, as such, they were now content to support the scheme.


The Chairman advised the Committee that the Ward Member for the application was Councillor Roger Dicker who had been unable to attend the meeting.  However, he had asked the Chairman to inform his fellow Members that he had no objection to the application.


It was moved by Councillor Carol Lynch, seconded by Councillor Simon Cole and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that


Planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


1.   The completion of a S106 agreement to secure:

          (a) Policy compliant affordable housing (30%).

          (b) Pre-school contribution (£12,182).

          (c) Primary school contribution (£60,905)




2.   Subject to conditions, including:


1.       Time limit (3 years for commencement)

2.       Materials to be submitted and agreed

3.       Acoustic barrier to northern boundary

4.       Sound attenuation

5.       Restrict demolition and construction times

6.       Construction and site management programme to be                         submitted and agreed

7.       Fire Hydrant provision

8.       Archaeological Investigation

9.       Archaeological post investigation assessment

10.     Standard contaminated land condition

11.     Details of access to be submitted and agreed (AL2)

12.     Details of bin storage and collection areas (B2)

13.     Details of estate roads and footpaths (ER1)

14.     No occupation until roads and footpaths constructed to at                           least binder course level (ER2)

15.     Parking to be provided and retained (P1)

16.     Details of secure cycle storage to be submitted and agreed                (P2)

17.     Provision of visibility splays (V2)

18.     Details of boundary treatment

19.     Hard and Soft landscaping to be agreed

20.     Landscape management plan to be submitted and agreed

21.     Tree protection measures implemented, tree surgery                          undertaken as detailed in the Schedule of Trees  and a                          detailed Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection               Plan to be submitted (as recommended in the arb report)

22.     Recommendations of the biodiversity report to be                               implemented, including details of integrated swift brick and                  bat boxes to be submitted and agreed prior to                                   commencement.

23.     Water efficiency (DM7)

24.     Detailed surface water drainage scheme to be submitted and             agreed

25.     Compliance with approved plans


Speakers:    Councillor Malcolm Baker (Chairman of Kentford Parish Council) spoke in support of the application; and

                   Mr Simon Butler-Finbow (agent) spoke in support of the application.

Supporting documents: