Agenda item

Budget and Council Tax Setting 2017/2018 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-2021 (Report No: COU/FH/17/005)

Report No: COU/FH/17/005


Councillor Stephen Edwards, Cabinet Member for Resources and Performance, presented this report which set out the Council’s proposed revenue and capital budget for 2017/2018 and sought approval to set the level of Council Tax required to fund the budget.


The Cabinet Member spoke on the successful way the Council was operating commercially with schemes such as the Solar Farm, and the excellent record the Authority had achieved in reducing costs, even in the face of financial pressures brought about by the reduction in Government funding; such as the Revenue Support Grant and New Homes Bonus.


He advised Members that in view of Central Government no longer offering the Council Tax Freeze Scheme grant to Local Authorities, and in order to maintain the high quality of services and investment in communities, it was now necessary to increase the Council Tax by 3.6% in order to balance the budget for the next three years.


He praised Officers and Members for their efforts in the production of the budget report and thanked the Performance & Audit Scrutiny Committee for their valued input.


Councillor Reg Silvester asked if it would be possible to be provided with figures to date in respect of the Council’s Solar Farm.  The Cabinet Member agreed to request Officers to provide this information to Members of the Council.


Councillor Bill Sadler raised a question in respect of Newmarket Town Council not having yet set their precept for 2017/2018 as they were not due to meet until 27 February 2017. 


The Assistant Director (Resources and Performance) advised of the deadlines in respect of Parish precepts and explained that the Town Council were within their rights to meet on 27 February 2017.  She drew attention to the recommendations before Members which included an authorisation to her to amend the provisional amounts, if necessary, in respect of the Town Council’s precept.


Councillor Andy Drummond spoke in his capacity as Mayor of Newmarket Town Council and advised the meeting that the Town Council had no intention of increasing their precept; meaning the provisional figure included within the report should stand.


Following the motion of the Cabinet Member, as seconded by Councillor David Bowman, the Service Manager (Democratic Services) explained that a recorded vote was legally required for this item. 


Upon being put to the vote Members voted as follows:


Name of Member




Ruth Allen




Michael Anderson




Andrew Appleby




Chris Barker




John Bloodworth




David Bowman




Ruth Bowman




Rona Burt




Louis Busuttil




Simon Cole




Andy Drummond




Stephen Edwards




Brian Harvey




Carol Lynch




Victor Lukaniuk




Louise Marston




Christine Mason




Colin Noble




David Palmer




Peter Ridgwell




Nigel Roman




Bill Sadler




Reg Silvester




James Waters









With the vote being unanimous, it was






1.   Having taking into account the information received by Cabinet on 14 February 2017 (Report No: CAB/FH/17/008) including the report by the Assistant Director (Resources and Performance) / Section 151 Officer set out in Attachment C, together with the up to date information and advice contained in Report No: COU/FH/17/005, the level of Band D Council Tax for 2017/2018 be set at £142.38;


2.   Subject to 1. above, the following formal Council Tax resolution be adopted:-

                             i.        The revenue and capital budget for 2017-2021 attached at Attachment A, and as detailed in Attachment D, Appendices 1 – 5 and Attachment E, be approved;

                            ii.        A general fund balance of £2 million be agreed to be maintained, as details in Paragraph 1.11.2;

                           iii.        The statutory calculations under Section 30 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, attached as Attachment G, be noted;

                          iv.        The Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Police Authority precepts issued to Forest Heath District Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and outlined at Paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 be noted;

                            v.        In accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the amounts shown in Schedule D of Attachment F be agreed as the amount of Council Tax for the year 2017/2018 for each of the categories of dwellings shown; and

                          vi.        The Assistant Director (Resources and Performance) be authorised to amend where necessary the amounts in Attachment F and G in accordance with any changes notified by Newmarket Town Council, to the provisional precept.


3.   The Assistant Director (Resources and Performance), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance, be authorised to transfer any surplus on the 2016/2017 revenue budget to the Invest to Save Reserve as detailed in Paragraph 1.11.4, and to vire funds between existing Earmarked Reserves (as set out at Attachment D, Appendix 3) as deemed appropriate throughout the year; and


4.   The Discretionary Business Rates Relief awarded for local newspapers as detailed in Paragraphs to be approved.

Supporting documents: