Agenda item

Draft West Suffolk Annual Report 2016-2017

Report No: OAS/SE/17/016


[The Chairman agreed for this item to be brought forward on the agenda]


The Leader of the Council, Councillor John Griffiths presented Report No: OAS/SE/17/016, which outlined the draft West Suffolk Annual Report (2016-2017), which had been written as a joint West Suffolk document and was before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their comments.


The Council had taken a slightly different approach in producing this year’s Annual Report, and hoped that the new format was more engaging and would provide the opportunity to provide updates on the Council’s achievements throughout the year.


The draft West Suffolk Annual Report (Appendix A) highlighted the key activities and developments which had been achieved over the financial year 2016-2017, with regard to the priorities set out in the West Suffolk Strategic Plan.  The draft report contained a number of case studies and examples from West Suffolk to illustrate the achievements described. 


The Leader highlighted relevant issues for the attention of the Committee. 


Members examined the document in detail and asked a number of questions of the Leader and officers, to which comprehensive responses were provided.  Discussions were held on the Bury Masterplan; West Suffolk Operational Hub; Camps Road Recreation Ground; Town Council Handyman; Haverhill Youth Survey and the Dementia Action Alliance.


In response to a question raised regarding “campaigning for the right infrastructure”, the Leader advised that the Council was looking at improving ways of working with Suffolk County Council.  In particular closer working links with Highways and planning.


Comments were made on the following areas of the draft Annual Report:


(1)        Page 27: Promoting Physical Activity: suggest removing reference to Clare and focusing on the largest population centres.


(2)        Annex 1: Community Chest Funding: suggest including the geographical area the organisation serves and the amount of funding allocated to each organisation.


The Leader wished to thank the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their comments on the draft Annual Report.  He also wished to thank officers and councillors working together across West Suffolk.


It was then proposed by Councillor John Burns, seconded by Councillor Paul Hopfensperger, and with the vote being unanimous, it was:




That the Draft West Suffolk Annual Report 2016-2017, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: OAS/SE/17/016 be approved, subject to comments made during the meeting.

Supporting documents: