Agenda item

Planning Application DC/17/0938/TPO - 50 The Street, Gazeley (Report No: DEV/FH/17/028)

Report No: DEV/FH/17/028


TPO002(2014) Tree Preservation Order - i) Fell - 2no Sycamore (G002  on plan, within group G2 of Order), 1no. Sycamore (T042 on plan, within group G4 of Order), 1no Horsechestnut (T008 on plan, within Group G1 of Order ), 1no Tree of Heaven (T009 on plan, within Group G1 of Order ) and 1no Ash (T041 on plan, within Group G2 of Order ) and (ii) 1no Sycamore (T032 on plan, within Group G3 of Order) Remove the two lowest limbs on left side to balance crown (amended 18.07.2017 - T040 on plan, within group G2 of Order - removed from proposal)


TPO002(2014) Tree Preservation Order - i) Fell - 2no Sycamore (G002  on plan, within group G2 of Order), 1no. Sycamore (T042 on plan, within group G4 of Order), 1no Horse Chestnut (T008 on plan, within Group G1 of Order ), 1no Tree of Heaven (T009 on plan, within Group G1 of Order ) and 1no Ash (T041 on plan, within Group G2 of Order ) and (ii) 1no Sycamore (T032 on plan, within Group G3 of Order) Remove the two lowest limbs on left side to balance crown (amended 18.07.2017 - T040 on plan, within group G2 of Order - removed from proposal)


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee at the request of the Ward Member (Iceni).  A Member site visit was held prior to the meeting.


Gazeley Parish Council objected to the proposal which was recommended for a split decision, as set out in Paragraph 26 of Report No DEV/FH/17/028.


The Planning Assistant in her presentation took the Committee through each of the trees concerned with the application and outlined the Assistant Arboricultural Officer’s comments in respect of each.


Speakers:    David Southern (resident) spoke against the application

                   Philip Gilbey (applicant) spoke in support of the application


Members asked a number of questions with regard to the trees in the application which the Assistant Arboricultural Officer responded to.


Councillor David Bowman moved that the split decision be approved, as per the Officer recommendation, and this was duly seconded by Councillor Louis Busuttil.


Upon being put to the vote and with 9 voting for the motion and with 1 against, it was resolved that




A.   Consent be GRANTED for the felling of G002 Sycamore, T042 Sycamore, T008 Horse Chestnut, T009 Tree of Heaven and the removal of the 2 lowest limbs on left side to balance crown of T032 Sycamore subject to the following conditions:


1.   The authorised works shall be carried out to the latest arboricultural standards (ref BS 3998:2010 Tree Works: recommendations)

2.   The works which are the subject of this consent shall be carried out within two years of the date of the decision notice.

3.   The 2no. Sycamore, 1no. Horsechestnut and 1no. Tree of Heaven, the removal of which is authorised by this consent, shall be replaced by 2no. English Oak (Quercus robur), 2no. Small-Leaved Lime and 3no. Beech (Fagus sylvatica) planted within 2 metres of the existing trees as shown on the Tree Planting Specification, Drawing No. 6072-D dated 17.07.2017 within 6 months of the date on which felling is commenced or during the same planting season within which that felling takes place (whichever shall be the sooner), unless an alternative scheme is otherwise agreed and the Local Planning Authority shall be advised in writing that the replanting has been carried out.  If any replacement tree is removed, becomes severely damaged or becomes seriously diseased it shall be replaced with a tree of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


B.   Consent be REFUSED for the felling of T041 Ash for the following reason:


The defects in the Ash tree (T041) mean that long term retention is unlikely, but the tree is not at imminent risk of failure. The retention of this tree can be achieved by reducing the south east lateral up to 1.5m and by supporting with a cable and brace system which would allow its safe retention. Due to the loss of a significant number of trees within the site and the resulting lack of tree cover in the short to medium term, the retention of the tree will reduce the immediate impact on the amenity of the area while replacement trees are established.

Supporting documents: