Agenda item

Planning Application DC/17/0599/FUL - 5 Francis Close, Haverhill

Report No: DEV/SE/17/040


Planning Application - (i) 1no building to include 4no. flats (following demolition of existing dwelling), (ii) new vehicular access and parking, (iii) replacement of existing boundary fences and (iv) insertion of dropped kerb


Planning Application – (i) 1no building to include 4no. flats (following demolition of existing dwelling), (ii) new vehicular access and parking, (iii) replacement of existing boundary fences and (iv) insertion of dropped kerb.


The application was referred to the Development Control Committee at the request of the Delegation Panel. The matter was presented before the Delegation Panel as the Town Council had raised objections, which was contrary to the Officer recommendation of approval, subject to conditions, as set out in paragraph 33 of Report No: DEV/SE/17/040.


The Planning Officer explained that the application before the Committee sought the erection of one building to accommodate four flats, new vehicular access and parking and insertion of dropped kerb. The application proposed to demolish the existing house and build in its place a small, two storey development of four one bedroom flats. During the course of the application the Agent had reduced the width of the building to provide a more harmonious relationship in the setting of the existing site. The number of flats had also been reduced from five (4 x two bed and 1 x one bed) to 2 x one bed units and 2 x two bed units.


A Member site visit was held prior to the meeting. Representations had been received from Haverhill Town Council and neighbouring properties citing objections listed in paragraphs 8 and 9 of the report.


As part of his presentation the Officer explained that the applicant had agreed to provide a new pedestrian footway on the southern side of Francis Close on the opposite side of the highway to No. 5 which would link to the existing footpath. The existing bollard at the end of Francis Close would be re-positioned to provide for parking and manoeuvring space.


Speakers:    Grace Cutts (neighbour) spoke against the application

                   Councillor Barry Robbins (Ward Member: Haverhill North)                             spoke against the application

                   Rachel Moses (Agent) spoke in support of the application


The Case Officer also read out a statement submitted by Haverhill Town Council against the application.


During discussion a number of Members raised concerns on the application in relation to; vehicular access to the site, the lack of off-street car parking in the area and the size of the proposed dwellings.


The Officer responded to the concerns and clarified that:

·         The Highways Authority had submitted no objections to the application in relation to vehicular access to the site.

·         The proposal would provide an additional four car parking spaces and would retain the garage associated with the property to accommodate secure cycle storage.

·         The Council had not yet adopted their own enforceable space standard. Policy DM22 did however require new housing to be fit for purpose and function well, providing adequate space, light and privacy and Officers were of the opinion that the dwellings met the policy requirement.


Some Members were, however, in agreement that the proposed dwellings were considered as affordable housing in an area where there was a shortage of that type of housing.


Councillor John Burns proposed that the application be refused on highways and traffic and transportation grounds and this was duly seconded by Councillor Paula Fox.


Upon being put to the vote and with 5 voting for the motion, 10 against and with 1 abstention the Chairman declared the motion lost.


Following further debate, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that:

  • The Highways Authority was confident that a motor vehicle would be unable to gain access through the space vacated by the repositioned bollard at the end of Francis Close without causing significant damage to the vehicle;
  • The repositioning of the bollard would not impinge on road sweeper or similar access in that vicinity;
  • The existing property could, subject to seeking approval to drop the kerbstone, implement parking onsite by removing the hedgerow and wall.  However, this would not include the benefits proposed as part of the application e.g. increased manoeuvring space to allow vehicles to leave the property in a forward gear.


Discussion then took place with regard to parking provision within the area and the close proximity of the site to two public car parks. As a result of which, Councillor Susan Glossop proposed that the application be deferred in order to allow for alternative parking provision to be explored.  However, this motion failed to be seconded.


Councillor David Nettleton then proposed that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation, and this was duly seconded by Councillor Terry Clements.


Upon being put to the vote and with 10 voting for the motion and 6 against, it was resolved that




Planning permission be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.   Development to commence within three years


2.   Materials are specified


3.   In accordance with plans


4.   The site demolition, preparation and construction works shall be carried out between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00 Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 08:00 to 13:30 Saturdays and at no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


5.   Hard Landscaping


6.   Soft Landscaping


7.   Root protection during construction


8.   Boundary treatment to be provided prior to occupation in accordance with the details shown on drawing 1620/PD/01B


9.   The removal of hedge to the front boundary of the site must be undertaken outside of the bird nesting season to ensure that wildlife habitats are maintained and are not adversely affected by the development.

10.                The bin storage area shown on drawing 1620/PD/01B shall be provided in accordance with these approved details prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved.


11.                All HGV and construction traffic movements to and from the site over the duration of the construction period shall be subject to a Deliveries Management Plan which shall be submitted to the planning authority for approval a minimum of 28 days before any deliveries of materials commence. No HGV movements shall be permitted to and from the site other than in accordance with the routes defined in the Plan. The site operator shall maintain a register of complaints and record of actions taken to deal with such complaints at the site office as specified in the Plan throughout the period of occupation of the site. A survey should be made of the condition of the highway prior to commencement of work and any damage made to the highway during construction shall be made good before the first occupation.


12.                Occupation shall not commence until the area(s) within the site shown on drawing 1620/PD/06 for the purpose of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles and secure cycle storage has been provided and thereafter that area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purposes.


13.                There shall be no occupation of the development hereby approved unless and until the new footway shown on drawing number 1620/PD/07 has been provided.


14.                DM7 Water Efficiency. The dwelling hereby approved shall not be occupied until the optional requirement for water consumption (110 litres use per person per day) in Part G of the Building Regulations has been complied with.

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