Agenda item

Planning Application DC/17/0717/FUL - Land at Beck Lodge Farm, St Johns Street, Beck Row (Report No: DEV/FH/17035)

Report No: DEV/FH/17/035


Planning Application - 12 no. dwellings with associated access, open space, storage and parking facilities


Planning Application - 12 no. dwellings with associated access, open space, storage and parking facilities


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee because it was a Major Development and it was considered to represent a departure from the development plan.


The proposal sought full planning permission for 12 dwellings (3 of which would be affordable), a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed, single storey and two storey. It formed part of site SA11 (D) within the site allocations local plan document proposed submission version, so is proposed to be allocated for residential development.


The Parish Council supported the scheme and no third party representations have been received.


As set out in Paragraphs 29 – 31 of the report, there were material considerations that carried sufficient weight to indicate that the principle of development as a departure from normal planning policy, in this case, was acceptable. The remaining detail of the development was considered to be acceptable and in compliance with relevant development plan policies and the NPPF.


Accordingly Officers were recommending that the application be conditionally approved, following completion of a Section 106 agreement, and subject to the conditions set out in Paragraph 72 of Report No DEV/FH/17/035.


Members were advised of the history of the site, in that an application for a denser scheme for up to 24 dwellings was approved in March 2016.


The Principal Planning Officer explained that a small area of open space was provided on site, but this would fall short of the SPD policy requirement.  Comments had not been received from the Council’s parks team in relation to the onsite provision and whether any off site commuted sum may be required in lieu of any on site shortfall. This, however, could be resolved and secured through the S106 as necessary.


In light of the unresolved open space matter, an amendment to the recommendation was proposed; that Delegated Authority be given to the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Chairman of the Development Control Committee to resolve any necessary on and off site open space provision.  If the matter was not resolved, it would come back before Members for further consideration.


Furthermore an additional condition was proposed; to secure a landscape management plan.


Councillor David Bowman drew attention to Paragraph 62 of the report which made reference to the site’s catchment school being West Row Community Primary School.  Councillor Bowman queried whether this was an error and should be Beck Row Primary Academy.  The Principal Planning Officer explained that she was presenting the report on behalf of the Case Officer and she would clarify this matter with him.


Councillor Bowman then moved that the application be approved as per the Officer recommendation and inclusive of the additional recommendation re open space and the additional condition for landscaping, this was duly seconded by Councillor Louis Busuttil.


Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


1.   The completion of a S106 legal agreement to provide affordable housing, an affordable housing contribution, primary school contribution, preschool contribution;


2.   The following conditions:

                     i.        3 year time limit

                    ii.        Compliance with approved plans.

                   iii.        Archaeology – investigation and post investigation assessment.

                  iv.        Contamination – further investigative work if found.

                    v.        Foul water disposal details.

                  vi.        Surface water drainage details: SuDs management plan.

                 vii.        Construction management plan.

                viii.        Details of boundary treatment.

                  ix.        Samples of materials.

                    x.        Detailed scheme of hard and soft landscaping.

                  xi.        Tree protection.

                 xii.        Details of tree works for retained trees.

                xiii.        Detailed Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan.

               xiv.        Recommendations of Ecological Appraisal and Reptile Survey to be implemented.

                 xv.        Provision of fire hydrants.

               xvi.        Waste minimisation and recycling strategy.

              xvii.        Details of access

             xviii.        Parking/manoeuvring to be provided prior to occupation

               xix.        Ecological mitigation

                 xx.        Water consumption;

               xxi.        Landscape management plan; and


3.   Delegated Authority be given to the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services in consultation with the Chairman of the Development Control Committee to resolve any necessary on and off site open space provision.  If the matter was not resolved, it would come back before Members for further consideration.

Supporting documents: