Agenda item

Leader's Statement

Paper No: COU/SE/17/020 TO FOLLOW


(Council Procedure Rules 8.1 – 8.3)  Members may ask the Leader questions on the content of both his introductory remarks and the written statement itself.


A total of 30 minutes will be allowed for questions and responses. There will be a limit of five minutes for each question to be asked and answered. A supplementary question arising from the reply may be asked so long as the five minute limit is not exceeded.


Councillor John Griffiths, Leader of the Council, presented his statement as contained in Paper No: COU/SE/17/020.


In addition to his written statement, Councillor Griffiths drew attention to the following:


(a)    Karen Points, Assistant Director (Human Resources, Legal and Democratic Services): Councillor Griffiths stated that Karen Points would be leaving the organisation in spring 2018 to take up a new role as Strategic Director for Abbeycroft Leisure.  He paid tribute to her valuable contribution to the operation of the West Suffolk councils and wished her well for the future.


(b)    100% Business Rates Retention Pilot: Councillor Griffiths informed that Suffolk councils, including St Edmundsbury and Forest Heath, had been successful in applying to be a pilot area for 100% business rates retention. It was presently unclear as to the monetary benefit of the pilot; however, it had been indicated that the West Suffolk councils could gain an additional £2.6 million than was presently available under the current arrangements. This money would be used locally to directly benefit local residents and businesses through delivering our inclusive growth objectives.


(c)     West Suffolk Operational Hub: Councillor Griffiths informed that since the publication of his written statement, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government had announced that he would not be calling in the West Suffolk Operational Hub planning application for his own determination (see Minute 311 below for further detail on the implications of this decision.)


(d)    Thanks: Councillor Griffiths acknowledged the significant amount of work undertaken by Members, officers and staff over the year in helping to continue to make St Edmundsbury and West Suffolk one of the best places to live, work and visit.


The following was asked:


(a)     That an update on the 100% business rate retention pilot scheme be provided to Members as and when received.


(b)     That Councillor Sara Mildmay-White, Portfolio Holder for Housing, be invited to provide an immediate update on plans for emergency winter shelter provision for the homeless in Bury St Edmunds.  The following update was therefore provided (briefly):


Management agreements with Havebury Housing Partnership were being put in place with a view to an emergency 16 bed winter night shelter being opened in Northgate Lodge (next to Tayfen House) later that week. This would be in addition to the existing temporary accommodation provided, and was expected to be available up until March 2018. A temporary emergency 10 bed night shelter had also already been set up in a local church, which had been in operation since 7 December 2017. 


The numbers of rough sleepers in Bury St Edmunds was higher this year due to a range of reasons; however, it was emphasised that those sleeping rough had complex needs which made it difficult for them to retain accommodation.  Some also refused to engage and accept help that was offered.


Council welcomed the update and West Suffolk staff, Members, Havebury Housing Partnership, and the team of volunteers involved with enabling winter shelter provision to be made for the homeless, was highly commended by all.   






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