Agenda item

Car Parking Annual Update

Report No: OAS/FH/18/011


(Report No: OAS/FH/18/011)


The Committee received Report No: OAS/FH/18/011, which provided members with an update on off-street parking outcomes and work priorities.  The report included information on usage, occupancy, issue of fines, pocket car parks, RingGo cashless payments, electric charging points, Park Mark, Disabled Parking Accreditation, Civil Parking Enforcement and future work streams.


The Committee considered the report in detail and particularly noted the statement which had been made by Newmarket Town Council on the car parking in Newmarket (as set out under Minute Number 224. above). 


Discussions were particularly held on the following substantive areas:


1)      Current car parking capacity within Brandon: Councillor David Palmer explained that he regularly monitored the car parking capacity within Brandon and expressed his concerns around future capacity.  He also referred to paragraph 1.3.4 of the report and questioned the estimated average occupancy figures listed for the car parks in Brandon. Officers explained that work on estimating occupancy testing was on-going to ensure that best estimates could be provided.  Councillor Palmer stated that he did have some suggestions which could increase the car parking capacity within Brandon, which he would share with Officers outside of the meeting.


2)      The results of the occupancy testing undertaken in Newmarket and the modelling of future car park capacity: Members referred to the information within the report in relation to the occupancy and future car parking capacity within Newmarket (paragraph 1.3. of the report).  Some Members expressed their concerns that the effect of any future housing developments within the Town, may not have been properly taken into account when estimating the future car parking capacity.  Officers explained that work was being undertaken around this and they were satisfied that there would be sufficient car parking capacity in the Town, in the short term, up to 2020.  However, it was also acknowledged that the capacity figures would need to be further reviewed once future housing developments started to come through.  Members were keen to ensure that Newmarket Town Council, the Newmarket Vision and businesses within the town were fully consulted regarding any future options on car parking provision.


          Taking into account the statement made by Newmarket Town Council with regard to the state of the car parks, including the facilities for disabled people, Officers referred to paragraphs 1.8 and 1.9 of the report which explained that the Council’s pay and display car parks had been recognised for their high quality of management with a Park Mark Award.  Also the car parks in Newmarket had been assessed in 2017 and had received Disabled Parking Accreditation. Officers explained that they would be willing to share the content of these assessments with the Town Council.


3)      The consideration of introducing very short stay parking in Newmarket (ie 30 minutes): Following on from the statement made by Newmarket Town Council to support the introduction of very short stay parking, which was also supported by some Members of the Committee, Officers confirmed that they would further consider this suggestion when reviewing the car parking charges later this year.


4)      Implementation of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE):   Paragraph 1.10 of the report explained the current position with regard to the implementation of CPE and for the potential transition of on-street parking enforcement in Suffolk to move from the Police to Local Authorities.  All parties were keen to ensure that this could be implemented from 1 April 2019, but confirmation was still awaited from the Department of Transport.


          As a result of the implementation of CPE, Officers would also need to give consideration for the potential for vehicle displacement from on-street parking to the car parks in Newmarket.


5)      The increase in the number of cars parking on grass verges in Newmarket: Some Members raised concern with the increase in the number of cars parking on the grass verges in Newmarket.  The Councillor David Bowman, Portfolio Holder for Operations (who was also present at the meeting) explained that Members should inform Officers as to where this was occurring, which could then be further investigated to see if it was on grass verges owned by the Council.


There being no decision required, the Committee noted the contents of the report.


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