Agenda item

Annual Review and Appointment of Cabinet's Working Party, Joint Committees/Panels and Other Groups

Report No:   CAB/SE/18/031

Portfolio Holder: John Griffiths       Lead Officer: Leah Mickleborough






 (1)    the Grant Working Party continues to operate in accordance with its current Terms of Reference, as detailed in Appendix A of Report No: CAB/SE/18/031;


(2)     the Growth and Innovation Group continues to operate in accordance with its current Terms of Reference, as detailed in Appendix B of Report No: CAB/SE/18/031;


(3)     the Future Governance Steering Group continues to operate in accordance with its current Terms of Reference contained in Appendix C;




(a)     The West Suffolk Joint Health and Safety Panel and the West Suffolk Joint Staff Consultative Panel continue to operate in accordance with their current Terms of Reference contained in Appendices D and E respectively; and


(b)     periodical meetings of the Joint Panels continue to be scheduled as and when required but with regard to the discussion outlined in Section 1.3.18.



(a)     the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance be re-appointed as the full Member and the Portfolio Holders for Families and Communities, and Housing be re-appointed as the two substitute Members to the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee for 2018/2019;


(b)     the proposal to establish and appoint to a Joint Executive (Cabinet) Committee for consideration by Council at its Annual Meeting on 17 May 2018, be noted;


(c)     should any future changes to membership of the bodies listed in (1) and (2) above be required during 2018/2019, the Service Manager (Democratic Services) be requested to exercise their existing delegated authority to appoint on the nomination of the Leader of the Council.



(a)     the Cabinet’s existing informal Working Groups be retained or disbanded as indicated in Section 1.5.2; and


(b)    provided that resources are available to support them, further informal task-and-finish working groups continue to be established to consider specific issues as required throughout 2018/2019.



(a)     St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s membership (including substitutes) of the Grant Working Party, Future Governance Steering Group, West Suffolk Joint Health and Safety Panel, West Suffolk Joint Staff Consultative Panel, as set out in Table 1 of Appendices A, C, D and E respectively, be re-appointed for 2018/2019.


(b)     should any future changes to membership of the bodies listed in (1) above be required in the remainder of 2018/2019, the Service Manager (Democratic Services) be requested to exercise their existing delegated authority to appoint on the nominations of Group Leaders; and


(c)     such appointments be made on the basis of political balance requirements, where applicable and identified in Report No: CAB/SE/18/031.


(8)     The Members stated in Section 1.7.2 be re-appointed as observers to the respective outside bodies listed, and to NOTE the Leader or ex-officio appointments to the project or partnership groups listed in Section 1.7.3 and 1.7.4.




(Report No: CAB/SE/18/031)


The Cabinet considered Report No: CAB/SE/18/031, which presented the annual review and appointment of the Cabinet’s Working Party, Joint Committees/Panels and Other Groups: 2018/2019.


Councillor John Griffiths, Leader of the Council, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Cabinet, including that the Cabinet was required to review the membership and Terms of Reference of its Working Party, Joint Committees/Panels and Other Groups for 2018/2019.


The existing Terms of Reference and membership for the relevant bodies were attached as Appendix A to E inclusive.


As an interim review had been undertaken relatively recently in January 2018, no changes were recommended to the majority of the existing arrangements, with the exception of the following:


·         To consider disbanding The Apex Performance Panel in its current form with the intention for The Apex’s performance being monitored by the two scrutiny committees.


The Cabinet also noted the proposed establishment of the Joint Executive (Cabinet) Committee, which had been approved at the Annual Meeting of Council on 17 May 2018.  This new joint committee would comprise all current Members of Forest Heath District Council’s and St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s Cabinets and would have executive decision making powers. Historically, with this meeting included, where decisions were required of both Cabinets on the same subject matter, informal joint discussions were held on the common item, and as constitutionally required, these were immediately followed by individual Cabinet meetings to vote on the matter, which was often confusing.  Executive decisions could now be made by the Joint  Executive (Cabinet) Committee, thus avoiding the need for separate Cabinet meetings.  The Key Decision threshold had also been increased from £50,000 to £100,000 for the individual Cabinets and the Joint  Executive (Cabinet) Committee.


The first meeting of the Joint Executive (Cabinet) Committee would be held on Tuesday 26 June 2018 at 6pm.


(Note: subsequent to the meeting, the above meeting date was changed to Monday 25 June 2018.)






 (1)    the Grant Working Party continues to operate in accordance with its current Terms of Reference, as detailed in Appendix A of Report No: CAB/SE/18/031;


(2)     the Growth and Innovation Group continues to operate in accordance with its current Terms of Reference, as detailed in Appendix B of Report No: CAB/SE/18/031;


(3)     the Future Governance Steering Group continues to operate in accordance with its current Terms of Reference contained in Appendix C;




(a)     The West Suffolk Joint Health and Safety Panel and the West Suffolk Joint Staff Consultative Panel continue to operate in accordance with their current Terms of Reference contained in Appendices D and E respectively; and


(b)     periodical meetings of the Joint Panels continue to be scheduled as and when required but with regard to the discussion outlined in Section 1.3.18.



(a)     the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance be re-appointed as the full Member and the Portfolio Holders for Families and Communities, and Housing be re-appointed as the two substitute Members to the Anglia Revenues and Benefits Partnership Joint Committee for 2018/2019;


(b)     the proposal to establish and appoint to a Joint Executive (Cabinet) Committee for consideration by Council at its Annual Meeting on 17 May 2018, be noted;


(c)     should any future changes to membership of the bodies listed in (1) and (2) above be required during 2018/2019, the Service Manager (Democratic Services) be requested to exercise their existing delegated authority to appoint on the nomination of the Leader of the Council.



(a)     the Cabinet’s existing informal Working Groups be retained or disbanded as indicated in Section 1.5.2; and


(b)    provided that resources are available to support them, further informal task-and-finish working groups continue to be established to consider specific issues as required throughout 2018/2019.



(a)     St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s membership (including substitutes) of the Grant Working Party, Future Governance Steering Group, West Suffolk Joint Health and Safety Panel, West Suffolk Joint Staff Consultative Panel, as set out in Table 1 of Appendices A, C, D and E respectively, be re-appointed for 2018/2019.


(b)     should any future changes to membership of the bodies listed in (1) above be required in the remainder of 2018/2019, the Service Manager (Democratic Services) be requested to exercise their existing delegated authority to appoint on the nominations of Group Leaders; and


(c)     such appointments be made on the basis of political balance requirements, where applicable and identified in Report No: CAB/SE/18/031.


(8)     The Members stated in Section 1.7.2 be re-appointed as observers to the respective outside bodies listed, and to NOTE the Leader or ex-officio appointments to the project or partnership groups listed in Section 1.7.3 and 1.7.4.

Supporting documents: