Agenda item

Planning Application DC/18/0275/FUL - Sainsbury's, Haycocks Road, Haverhill

Report No: DEV/SE/18/020


Planning Application - (i) Extension to online goods area and (ii) alterations to existing service yard and car park




Planning Application – (i) Extension to online goods area and (ii) alterations to existing service yard and car park.


The application had been referred to the Development Control Committee following consideration by the Delegation Panel and because Haverhill Town Council had submitted an objection to the scheme which was contrary to the Officer’s recommendation of approval.


The Senior Planning Officer, as part of her presentation, explained to Members that despite the applicant’s proposal to remove 46 car parking spaces (36 spaces removed under this application plus an additional 10 from application no: DC/18/0388/FUL) Sainsbury’s car park would still comply with Suffolk County Council’s Parking Standards for an A1 class food retailer.


Speakers:    Mr Adam Cundale (applicant) spoke in support of the                            application.


Members raised concerns related to the amount of parking spaces that would be lost as a result of the proposed extension and the impact this could have on highway safety as customers may start parking on the access road to Sainsbury’s car park. It was queried if the Committee could add in conditions that would require the applicant to re-configure the layout of the car park and impose restrictions on the access road. The Service Manager (Planning – Development) explained that such conditions could not be added in but encouraged Members to discuss their concerns with the applicant outside of the Committee meeting.


The importance of maintaining the existing landscaping within the car park throughout the construction phase was highlighted to ensure it could continue to provide environmental benefits.


Reference was made to paragraph 12 of the report which related to the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) guidelines on delivering sustainable development and achieving economic growth. Some Members agreed that the application was a proactive approach in meeting the demands of the store and therefore would encourage economic growth in the area.


The Chairman invited the applicant to respond to the concerns Members had regarding safety on the access road that could be caused by the loss of parking spaces. The applicant explained that Sainsbury’s would co-operate with the relevant Members and other interested parties to ensure that appropriate solutions could be found.


An additional condition had been requested to ensure that delivery times for the extension would be in accordance with those already agreed for the store. On looking at the history of the site it was established that the existing condition controlling delivery vehicle movements applied to the entire store as well as this GOL facility and as such, there was no need to reapply the condition. An informative would be used to remind the applicant.


Councillor David Nettleton moved that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation, and this was duly seconded by Councillor Ian Houlder.


Upon being put to the vote and with 13 voting for the motion and 1 abstention, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


1.   Development to commence within 3 years

2.   The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and documents

3.   Submission and implementation of soft landscaping scheme

4.   Implementation of tree protection as per submitted tree report.








Supporting documents: