Agenda item

Recommendations of the Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury Overview and Scrutiny Committees: 7 and 8 November 2018: Review of Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre 2018 (Report No: EXC/SA/18/017)

Report No: EXC/SA/18/017

Shadow Executive (Cabinet) Members: Susan Glossop and Lance Stanbury

Chairmen of the Committees: FHDC Cllr Simon Cole and SEBC Cllr Diane Hind

Lead Officers: Julie Baird and Andrea Mayley




That the Christmas Fayre Review Reports:  (OAS/SE/18/032) and (OAS/FH/18/031), including the revised Three-Year Action Plan, attached as Appendix F to Report No: EXC/SA/18/017, be approved, subject to:


“An Annual Report on the Christmas Fayre being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and specifically in 2019, to report back on discussions with the Destination Management Organisation and the BID (Our Bury St Edmunds) on willingness; desire of businesses to have/provide additional Christmas stalls throughout the town, over a longer period to create “Christmas in Bury”.


The Shadow Executive (Cabinet) considered the above report, which sought approval for recommendations of the Forest Heath District Council (FHDC) and St Edmundsbury Borough Council (SEBC) Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ appointed Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre Joint Task and Finish Group.


On 18 and 19 April 2018, both SEBC and FHDC Overview and Scrutiny Committees resolved to establish a joint task and finish group to carry out a joint review of the Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre and to make recommendations regarding the future of the Fayre.


The Joint Task and Finish Group met on several occasions and undertook a thorough review of specific areas, as summarised in paragraph 1.4 of the report, which culminated in the preparation of a proposed three year action plan incorporating the raft of recommendations emanating from the Group.


Upon presenting the Group’s recommendations to the FHDC and SEBC Overview and Scrutiny Committees on 7 and 8 November 2018, the SEBC Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth had suggested an additional recommendation, including the reasons for it, relating to ‘Safety and Security’, as set out in paragraph 1.7 of the report.  An additional minor amendment had also been suggested by the Portfolio Holder.  Both of these suggestions were accepted by the Committees for incorporation into the proposed three-year action plan (Appendix F). Incorporating these amendments, the revised action plan (Appendix F) was attached to this Shadow Executive (Cabinet) report for approval. 


Councillor Diane Hind, Chairman of SEBC’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Shadow Executive (Cabinet), including providing a summary of the work of the Joint Task and Finish Group, for which she had been appointed Chairman.  She was immensely pleased with the outcome of the review and acknowledged the significant contribution of each Member of the Group, which had comprised Members from both SEBC and FHDC.


When the final report of the Joint Task and Finish Group was presented to the SEBC Overview and Scrutiny Committee, this had ignited a lively debate with some Committee Members considering the report lacked forward thinking and ambition; however the majority of Members had broadly supported the content.  The debate had resulted in the following additional recommendation being presented to the Shadow Executive (Cabinet), which had been accepted by FHDC’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


“An Annual Report on the Christmas Fayre being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and specifically in 2019, to report back on discussions with the Destination Management Organisation and the BID (Our Bury St Edmunds) on willingness; desire of businesses to have/provide additional Christmas stalls throughout the town, over a longer period to create “Christmas in Bury”.


Councillor Susan Glossop, one of the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) Members for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Shadow Executive, including expressing her thanks to the Joint Task and Finish Group for their work in completing a thorough and comprehensive review.  Councillor Glossop had welcomed the scope of the review and agreed that all areas covered for the review had been thoroughly explored and a range of options considered, which had culminated in the recommendations and production of the proposed three-year action plan. 


Councillor Glossop then wished to make a point of clarification regarding the proposed additional recommendation reproduced above, particularly in respect of the proposed requirement to engage with Bury and Beyond and Ourburystedmunds on the “desire of businesses to have or provide additional Christmas stalls throughout the town, over a longer period to create ‘Christmas in Bury’”.  Both organisations had been consulted during the review itself and both had welcomed the Fayre each year.  The opportunity existed for either organisation to run other events during the festive period and officers would be willing to provide advice if needed on such additional events.  However, there were no identified additional resources budgeted for the Council to provide any additional activity itself.


Councillor Glossop added that she had attended the Fayre herself over the previous weekend and had been delighted by the positive comments she had received from fellow visitors, including those that had been contented to partake in the Park and Walk provision at locations such as West Suffolk College and Olding Road. 


A detailed discussion was held with the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) commending the thorough and comprehensive review that had been undertaken.  The success of the Christmas Fayre was recognised and how it had evolved and improved over the years, going from strength to strength.  Whether this success could extend to other towns in West Suffolk was also recognised and encouraged.


The costs to stage the event were then discussed and whilst the recommendations emanating from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, including the three-year action plan (as amended) were supported, and the benefits of the Fayre acknowledged in terms of its wider positive impact on Bury St Edmunds’ and West Suffolk’s local economy, the Fayre needed to maintain itself and keep within budget.  




That the Christmas Fayre Review Reports:  (OAS/SE/18/032) and (OAS/FH/18/031), including the revised Three-Year Action Plan, attached as Appendix F to Report No: EXC/SA/18/017, be approved, subject to:


“An Annual Report on the Christmas Fayre being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and specifically in 2019, to report back on discussions with the Destination Management Organisation and the BID (Our Bury St Edmunds) on willingness; desire of businesses to have/provide additional Christmas stalls throughout the town, over a longer period to create “Christmas in Bury”.

Supporting documents: