Agenda item

Planning Application DC/14/2096/HYB - Land at Station Road, Lakenheath (Report No: DEV/FH/18/018)

Report No: DEV/FH/18/018


Hybrid planning application DC/14/2096/FUL - 1) Full application for the creation of new vehicular access onto Station Road, and entrance to a new primary school, 2) Outline application for up to 375 dwellings (including 112 affordable homes), and the provision of land for a new primary school, land for ecological mitigation and open space and associated infrastructure (as amended)


Hybrid planning application DC/14/2096/FUL - 1) Full application for the creation of new vehicular access onto Station Road, and entrance to a new primary school, 2) Outline application for up to 375 dwellings (including 112 affordable homes), and the provision of land for a new primary school, land for ecological mitigation and open space and associated infrastructure (as amended).


The Principal Planning Officer explained that, following amendment in September 2015, the proposal before the Committee was in hybrid form with all aspects of the application seeking ‘outline’ permission and with only the site access and a small length of the estate road behind it being in ‘full’.


Member site visits had been previously undertaken by the Committee.  Lakenheath Parish Council objected to the proposal together with a number of village residents.


Officers were recommending that the application be approved, subject to conditions and the completion of a S106 Agreement, as set out in Paragraph 420 of Report No DEV/FH/18/018.


As part of his presentation the Officer made reference to:

·         Noise contour mapping;

·         Maps showing the Breckland Special Protection Area (SPA);

·         The Site Allocations Local Plan (SALP); following the changes made to housing redistribution by Forest Heath District Council in February 2018 when Lakenheath’s distribution was reduced by 165 homes resulting in site SA8(b) being removed;

·         The 30mph speed limit that had been extended along Station Road, with the pending traffic calming measure to be dealt with via conditions;

·         The 30% affordable homes to be delivered via the scheme; and

·         Other determined and pending planning applications for Lakenheath and the current status of each.


Speakers:    Mr Mike Malina (School Governor: Lakenheath Primary School) spoke against the application

                   Mr Ed Clarke (Lakenheath Parish Council’s appointed Noise Acoustician) spoke against the application


During the ensuing debate a number of Members voiced questions/comments with regard to noise, particularly in relation to the proposed school and the future arrival of the F35A aircraft.


In response, the Officer explained that data provided by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) demonstrated very little difference in noise levels from the F35A beyond that which Lakenheath experienced currently.  Furthermore, the proposed school was situated in a lower noise contour than the existing school, which had limited sound mitigation in place due to the age of the building, and no evidence had been submitted to demonstrate that this had caused harm.


Councillor David Bowman spoke on the need for the second primary school and homes and proposed that the application be approved as per the Officer recommendation.  This was duly seconded by Councillor Simon Cole.


Councillor Ruth Bowman also spoke in support and highlighted the importance of children being able to attend a primary school within their own village.


Councillor Andrew Appleby proposed an amendment that the application be deferred until Suffolk County Council (as Local Education Authority) made a decision on their full planning application for the primary school site.


The Principal Planning Officer explained that he would not recommend a deferral on this basis because the Planning Authority could be challenged on non-determination and it was important to recognise that Suffolk County Council were not the only organisation who could provide a school on the site.  In response to which, Councillor Appleby withdrew his amendment.


Upon putting the motion to the vote and with 8 voting for, 1 against and with 3 abstentions, it was resolved that




Full and outline planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


1.   The completion of an Agreement (or equivalent) under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to secure:


(a) Policy compliant affordable housing (30%).


(b) Land and construction contributions towards the construction of a new primary school (pro-rata to reflect the scale and impact of the housing element of the proposed development proposed) (4,627.65 per dwelling for construction and £319.51 per dwelling for land).


(c) Pre-school contribution (up to £231,458).


(d) Libraries Contribution (up to £81,600).


(e) Public Open Space contributions:


i)      Land to be set out in accordance with the adopted SPD to be calculated at Reserved Matters stage.


ii)    Transfer of the 4.7 hectares to the Council for future management and maintenance, including a commuted payment for maintenance (£50,000) and wardening (£40,802).


(f) Strategic Highways contribution to deliver new and improved village-wide cycle and pedestrian scheme comprising crossing provision in the form of pedestrian refuges, a new toucan crossing, new footways, conversion of footways to shared cycle/pedestrian facilities, new 20’s plenty signing, signing through the village for cycle routes, dropped kerbs etc. (£118,523.76)


(g) Public Transport contribution for the creation of two new bus stops at Station Road (£40,000)


(h) Strategic Highway Contribution towards junction improvements at the Lords Walk roundabout and B1112/Eriswell Road junction (precise contributions to be calculated and agreed following further costed and safety audited design work).


(i) SPA Recreational Impact Contributions, including i) off site provision/contributions to provide a connection from the site to the footpath on the north side of the drainage channel to the north of the application site, ii) monitoring of potential impacts upon the SPA from development (sums to be determined), iii) provision/payment towards public information boards and information packs for residents and subsequent monitoring and iv) facilitating the construction of a bridge across the drainage channel from within the application site.


(j) Health Contribution (up to £123,420)




2.   Subject to conditions, including:


·         Time limit (3 years for commencement)

·         Materials (details to be submitted with the Reserved Matters)

·         Sustainable construction and operation methods, including water efficiency measures (further details to be submitted with reserved matters and thereafter implemented)

·         Bin and cycle storage strategy (to be submitted for approval with the Reserved Matters and subsequently implemented)

·         Public open space (strategy for future management and maintenance of all open spaces, unless provided for by the S106 Agreement)

·         Landscaping details (including precise details of new hard and soft landscaping)

·         Woodland management scheme (for retained/new/replacement trees)

·         Retention and protection during construction of existing trees and hedgerows

·         Ecology (enhancements at the site, reptile mitigation plan and any further survey work required)

·         Construction management plan

·         As recommended by the Local Highway Authority

·         Contamination & remediation (further investigations and any remediation necessary and ground water protection measures)

·         Means of enclosure (details to be submitted with relevant Reserved Matters submissions)

·         Implementation of noise mitigation measures

·         Fire Hydrants

·         Waste minimisation and re-cycling strategy

·         Details of the foul and surface water drainage scheme (full details to be submitted with the Reserved Matters).

·         Archaeology.

·         Reserved Matters submissions to accord with the approved Concept Plan.

·         Landscape and ecology management plan

·         Submission of open space plans with subsequent Reserved Matters submissions.

·         Details of pedestrian and cyclist links to be provided with Reserved Matters submissions.

·         Further/updated arboricultural assessments to be provided with Reserved Matters submission.

·         As recommended by the Ecology, Tree and Landscape Officer (paragraph 53 and 54 of the report)

·         Travel Planning


In the event of the Assistant Director of Planning and Regulatory Services recommending alternative (reduced) Heads of Terms from those set out at above or not completed within a reasonable period, the planning application be returned to Committee for further consideration.

Supporting documents: