Agenda item


To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 31 October 2018 and 7 November 2018 (copies attached).


(a)     Minutes: 31 October 2018


Following confirmation from the Chairman that she would follow up on the written response which had been agreed to be provided by Suffolk County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport and Rural Affairs regarding insurance claims paid out for car and pedestrian injuries, the minutes of the meeting held on 31 October 2018 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


(b)     Minutes: 7 November 2018


A detailed discussion was held on the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2018 with particular reference given to Minute 268. ‘Review of Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre – Final Report’.


Firstly, a typographical error was highlighted where the word ‘year’ was missing from the following sentence, and therefore it should read:


“In response to a question raised on when work would start on the 2019 Fayre, members were informed that work would be starting now, for next year.”


Councillor Paul Hopfensperger expressed concern regarding the accuracy of the minutes. It was his understanding that the Action Plan referred to in Appendix F attached to Report No: OAS/SE/18/032, had been agreed (as amended to include the additions as minuted) for one year only and not three years as minuted. In addition, he felt it had been agreed that as well as the Destination Management Organisation and the Business Improvement District (BID) (‘Our Bury St Edmunds’), Bury St Edmunds Town Council would also be involved with the discussions on the willingness; desire of businesses to have/provide additional Christmas stalls throughout the town, over a longer period to create ‘Christmas in Bury’, as minuted in the third recommendation to the Shadow Executive (Cabinet). Councillor Hopfensperger sought to propose amendments to the minutes accordingly, however did not receive the support of a seconder.


In response, the Chairman, who was also the Chairman of the Christmas Fayre Joint Task and Finish Group that had undertaken the Review, stated that it had been agreed that the Action Plan (as amended) would be functional for three years to provide some certainty and forward planning for those involved (including potential stall holders) with the operation of the Christmas Fayre; however, the situation would be kept under review on an annual basis which would allow scope for reflection / improvement / amendment. This had been minuted in the body of the minute accordingly and stated in the third recommendation to the Shadow Executive (Cabinet).


The majority of Members agreed that this was the understanding, to which Councillor Hopfensperger stated he would not have agreed to second the motion if this was the case, and therefore wished that fact to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.  He also wished it to be recorded that the press reports that had been produced following the meeting reflected his understanding that the Action Plan would be applicable for one year only and subsequently handed copies of the said press reports to the Democratic Services Officer.


Subject to the inclusion of the following amendments, the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2018 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman:


That in respect of Minute 268. ‘Review of Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre – Final Report’:


(1)     the  word ‘year’ be added to the following sentence so that it read:


“In response to a question raised on when work would start on the 2019 Fayre, members were informed that work would be starting now, for next year.”


(2)     ‘Bury St Edmunds Town Council’ be added to the third recommendation to the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) so that it read:


“(3)   That the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) be recommended to accept the above recommendations (1 and 2 above), subject to an Annual Report on the Christmas Fayre being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and specifically in 2019, to report back on discussions with the Destination Management Organisation, Bury St Edmunds Town Council and the BID (Our Bury St Edmunds) on willingness; desire of businesses to have/provide additional Christmas stalls throughout the town, over a longer period to create “Christmas in Bury”.


As the original recommendation detailed above had already been approved by the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) at its meeting on 27 November 2018, this minor amendment would subsequently be agreed with the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) Members with the responsibility for the Christmas Fayre, prior to it being reported to the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) on 5 February 2019 for noting.


Supporting documents: