Agenda item

Planning Application DC/18/0614/FUL - Land East of Beeches Road, Beeches Road, West Row (Report No: DEV/FH/18/027)

Report No: DEV/FH/18/027


Planning Application - 46 no. Dwellings (including 14no. affordable dwellings) with the creation of new vehicular access onto Beeches Road


Planning Application - 46 no. Dwellings (including 14no. affordable dwellings) with the creation of new vehicular access onto Beeches Road


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee because it was contrary to the Development Plan and because the applicant was related to the Leader of the District Council.


Officers were recommending that the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement and subject to conditions, as set out in Paragraph 11.1 of Report No DEV/FH/18/027.


Since publication of the agenda supplementary papers had been circulated which related to the Council’s standard water efficiency condition.


The Principal Planning Officer reminded Members that the Development Control Committee had resolved to approve a hybrid planning application for the site at their meeting on 3 August 2016, however, progress on this development had since stalled.


As part of his presentation the Case Officer advised of the following updates:

·         The second sentence of Paragraph 9.53 of the report was to be disregarded and replaced with;

“The site being an emerging local plan allocation is a material consideration carrying significant weight that supports the principle of development of the scale proposed on this site.”

·         Anglian Water had submitted further comments and had requested an additional condition in respect of foul water drainage;

·         No further comments had been received from Suffolk County Council’s Rights of Way Officer, however, the footpath improvement works could be dealt with by way of the Section 106 Agreement; and

·         No further comments had been received in respect of ecology.


Councillor David Bowman spoke in his capacity as one of the Ward Members (Eriswell & the Rows) for the application.  He believed that the development now seeking determination was the best scheme proposed for the site. 


Accordingly, he moved that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation and inclusive of the additional condition regarding foul water drainage.  This was duly seconded by Councillor Simon Cole who welcomed the bungalows and affordable housing to be provided.


Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the completion of a S106 legal agreement to provide for planning obligations set out in Paragraph 9.34 of Report No DEV/FH/18/027, and the following conditions:


1.   3 year time limit for permission

2.   In accordance with approved plans

3.   Materials

4.   Detailed landscaping scheme to be submitted

5.   Boundary treatments to be submitted and agreed

6.   Site Levels

7.   Energy efficiency (water consumption)

8.   Off-site highway works

9.   Highway details (access) to be agreed

10.Details of estate roads to be agreed

11.Parking and access to be provided before occupation

12.Highways drainage details to be agreed

13.Electric vehicle charging points

14.Ecological mitigation

15.Site drainage details to be agreed

16.Internal noise levels of dwellings in accordance with WHO guidelines

17.Construction hours

18.Construction Management Plan to be agreed

19.Land contamination survey/mitigation to be submitted and agreed

20.Air quality – provision of electric vehicle charging points

21.Archaeology – written scheme of investigation to be submitted, agreed and implemented

22.Energy statement to be submitted, agreed and implemented

23.Foul water drainage details to be agreed

Supporting documents: