Agenda item

Leader's Statement (Paper No: COU/SE/18/024)

Paper No: COU/SE/18/024


(Council Procedure Rules 8.1 – 8.3)  Members may ask the Leader questions on the content of both his introductory remarks and the written statement itself.


A total of 30 minutes will be allowed for questions and responses. There will be a limit of five minutes for each question to be asked and answered. A supplementary question arising from the reply may be asked so long as the five minute limit is not exceeded.


Councillor John Griffiths, Leader of the Council, presented his Leader’s Statement as outlined in Paper No: COU/SE/18/024.


The Leader responded to a range of questions relating to:


(a)     Recycled Christmas Art Project: Members paid tribute to the recycled Christmas art project that had been taken up by various bodies including 23 schools as outlined in paragraphs 3. to 6. of the Statement. 


(b)     Support for a ‘People’s Vote’ on Brexit Deal: Councillor Julia Wakelam, supported by Councillor Diane Hind, sought support from the Leader and his Cabinet to urge the Government to enable a so-called ‘People’s Vote’ on the proposed Brexit Deal as they expressed concerns regarding the potential impact a ‘hard’ Brexit would have on (in the main):


·         provision of adult and social care services in west Suffolk;

·         provision of NHS services in west Suffolk;

·         local businesses;

·         the economy in west Suffolk; and

·         its effect on young people, and as the future generation, how it would affect their lives in the medium to longer term.


In response, Councillor Griffiths admired the passion and research that had been shown on this issue by Councillors Wakelam and Hind, and by those that were present in the public gallery.  He explained that St Edmundsbury Borough Council and the new West Suffolk Council were in a good position for the future in terms of trying to secure prosperity for the people of West Suffolk.  Focus was very much on what the Council could do using its own powers and decision making and through working with partners, to make things happen and serve residents of all parts of the urban and rural communities.  Whilst the West Suffolk Councils used their influence where possible, to improve infrastructure and promote growth for example, this particular issue was a matter for the local MPs (for Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk and South Suffolk) to take forward. All councillors and members of the public had the opportunity to lobby MPs and this was considered by the Leader as the most appropriate action to take regarding this matter. 


(c)     Social Prescribing in Haverhill: Commendation was given to securing extra funding for the social prescribing pilot scheme in Haverhill, as detailed further in paragraphs 11. to 18. of the Statement.


(d)     Community Chest Grant Funding: Acknowledgement was given to the range of projects that had received more than £400,000 in total from Forest Heath District and St Edmundsbury Borough Councils’ Community Chest funding allocations.  Councillor Griffiths stated it was hoped the scheme would continue in some form in the future; however, it would be for the new West Suffolk Council to decide its future and any proposed eligibility criteria. 


(e)    High Street’, Bury St Edmunds: whether retailers and businesses in the town centre were feeling the impact of the change in people’s shopping habits.  In response, Councillor Griffiths considered that retailers in Bury St Edmunds were performing particularly well when compared with national trends.  With the integration of the historical and modern core of Bury St Edmunds, including its range of independent shops and businesses, the town centre was currently faring extremely well in the face of such challenges.

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