Agenda item

Hatchfield Farm, Newmarket: Masterplan (Report No: CAB/JT/19/013)

Report No: CAB/JT/19/013

Portfolio Holders: FHDC Cllr Lance Stanbury

Lead Officers: Julie Baird and Chris Rand




That the masterplan for Hatchfield Farm, Newmarket, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/JT/19/013, be adopted as informal planning guidance.


The Joint Committee considered this report, which sought approval for a new masterplan for the Hatchfield Farm development site in Newmarket.


Councillor Lance Stanbury, FHDC’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, firstly responded to the statement provided under Agenda Item 4, ‘Public Participation’ by Mr Mike Cottee on behalf of Newmarket Horseman’s Group.


Councillor Stanbury stated that the paper before the Joint Committee today was to consider the adoption of the draft masterplan for Hatchfield Farm and not to discuss the detail of the forthcoming Examination in Public regarding this matter. The purpose of the masterplan was to provide a guide and strategy on an appropriate way forward to develop the site.  Masterplans were an essential tool for setting an outline framework for proposed development on larger sites, illustrating landscape and open space proposals while identifying distinctive character areas, capturing design characteristics of the area (in this case Newmarket), and explaining movement and access principles in and around the development site. 


In response to the concerns raised by Mr Cottee, particularly in respect of the issues raised regarding the potential traffic impact of the proposed development on Newmarket, Councillor Stanbury explained that the transport evidence had already been heard by the Inspector and any new evidence would be heard during the Examination in Public.  This level of detail was not required to enable the proposed adoption of the draft masterplan to proceed.


In respect of Mr Cottee calling for the current planning application to be reconsidered by the Development Control Committee (DCC), Councillor Stanbury stated that the application had been approved by FHDC’s DCC in 2013 and there was no material reason why it should be referred back.


Councillor Stanbury thanked Mr Cottee for putting his statement to the Joint Committee.


Councillor Stanbury was invited to introduce the item. Members noted that when the planning application for 400 dwellings (not including the school or employment land) was submitted in October 2013, this was prior to the adoption of the Joint Development Management Policies Document and accordingly, the requirement for a masterplan did not arise. As referred to above, the planning application, which was approved by FHDC’s DCC, had since been called in by the Secretary of State and remained undetermined. In the meantime, the adoption of the Development Plan Document (DPD) and following the allocation of the site in the Site Allocation Local Plan (SALP) the preparation of a masterplan was now required.


The SALP identified the area at Hatchfield Farm for a mixed neighbourhood development of some 400 dwellings, 5 hectares of employment land, a new primary school, areas of open space and enhancement and promotion of cycling and walking routes. It also required the securing of improvements to the A14/A142 junction and horse crossings.


The draft masterplan, which had been prepared by the developers, was attached as Appendix A and had been subject to public consultation, the outcome of which was attached as Appendix B in the Statement of Community Involvement report. Post-consultation amendments had been identified within the draft document, as summarised in paragraph 1.2.4 of Report CAB/JT/19/013.


The Joint Committee acknowledged that FHDC had already approved the outstanding planning application for this site and it was now important to consider a masterplan. The document contained in Appendix A was duly supported and it was considered that its adoption would be a key element in the delivery of sustainable development at Hatchfield Farm.




That the masterplan for Hatchfield Farm, Newmarket, as contained in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/JT/19/013, be adopted as informal planning guidance.


(Councillor Andy Drummond wished it to be recorded that he abstained from the vote.)

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